“Who? Zombies or bandits?” Jenni turned and looked out the back window.

“Both,” Nerit answered.

As the Hummer glided over the bridge, Travis looked down into the river to see a zombie, in fishing gear, wading through the water still clutching its fishing pole.

The skid marks on the asphalt told where the truck lost control and gone off the road. Nerit pulled over. They all cautiously disembarked.

There was a deep gorge on one side of the road. It appeared the truck had slid right down into it. As they drew near the edge of the road, they saw that both the camper and truck were logged firmly in the trees that grew up out of the deep crevasse in the earth.

“It fuckin' stinks of the dead,” Jenni moaned.

“Let’s check it out,” Nerit said, and started downward.

Bill was already poised to respond quickly to every threat. He slowly rotated as he walked, taking in all that was around him.

Nerit reached the camper first. She walked slowly, each step carefully measured. Travis was right behind her, looking far more at ease with a gun in his hands than anyone had ever seen him before. He looked alert and ready.

Gazing into the back of the camper, Nerit said, “One dead. Young female. Broken neck. ”

Bill sighed sadly behind them. “Probably the best thing for the poor kid. ”

Nerit began to slowly descend toward the truck, the roots of the trees providing a natural staircase for her to use. She hesitated, then slowly squatted down where she stood.

“Two male bodies at the bottom of the gorge. Both bound, gagged, appeared to have been raped, then shot execution style in the back of the head,” her voice said with no emotion.

Bill frowned and motioned to Jenni. “Follow me down. I want to get a closer look. ”

Nerit held her position as the other two made their way to the bodies. Travis kept a watch on the road with a troubled expression on his face.

Bill took his time examining the bodies and moving around the crime scene. Scrutinizing every detail, he slowly came to some terrible conclusions. With a sigh, he motioned to Jenni and they both struggled to get back up to the road.

“What do you think?”

“Honestly, Nerit, I think they were punished for failing. It's very methodical. Very intense. It feels…angry. ”

Nerit nodded. “The young girl, the loss of an asset: the loss of the truck, another asset. But worse, I think they weren't supposed to attack anyone from the fort. They were watching us. Probably trying to determine our strengths and our weaknesses. Maybe even determining their approach. Either they would have attempted to deceive us into letting them in or would have just launched a surprise attack. But now the element of surprise is gone. ”

“This is what you were thinking the first night,” Travis said after a beat.

Nerit nodded. “I just needed the proof. ”

“So now what?” Bill followed the others toward the truck.

“We return to waiting. Keep alert. They will wait now. Wait until they feel we are vulnerable. We are at stalemate. ” Nerit opened up the door to the Hummer and slid in.

Jenni looked back down the road at figures lumbering toward them.

The zombies were far off, but coming. She slid in as well. “Great. This sucks. One more thing to worry about. ”

Bill slammed his door shut as Travis climbed into the front seat.

“Nothing is easy now, is it?”

“No, not at all,” Travis answered grimly. “Not at all. ”

Chapter 16

1. And a Move is Made