Nerit grabbed the binoculars and peered through them. “Near the blue house?”

“Yep. ”

Nerit’s lips pressed tightly together.

Beside her, Travis squinted, trying to see through Jenni’s rifle scope.

“See them, Travis?”

“Them? I see one. ”

“I have three. Three men. And a van with fresh mud on the tires.

We’re definitely being studied. ” Nerit quickly pointed to the other two locations. ‘How many teams do we have out, Travis?”

“One. They’re picking up that Reverend and a family out in Summerville,” Travis answered.

“Pull them back in. Tell them to waste no time,” Nerit said sharply.

“That contingency plan we drew up is now activated. ”

“Shit,” Travis muttered, and ran for the stairs.

Jenni took a deep breath. “Think it’s the bandits?”

Nerit handed the binoculars to Jenni. “Possibly. Keep an eye on them and keep me informed. Juan, we'll need you down below. I'll send someone else up to help Jenni. ”

Jenni looked at Juan worriedly as Nerit strode away. He kissed her cheek. “It’s gonna be okay, Loca. I gotta get down to the gate. ”

She kissed him firmly on the lips. “Love you. ”

“Love you, Loca. ”

He hurried away and she couldn't help but admire his taunt ass. To steady her nerves, she took a deep breath.

“Kids, Roger, stop doing that. We have a situation,” Jenni called out. “You better get back inside. ”

Down below her, she heard Travis on the bullhorn calling a Code Red. Her palms sweating, she raised the rifle and looked through the scope at the man down the street.

“Who the hell are you?”

2. Code Red

“Bring ‘em in,” Travis said firmly to Curtis as he entered their communication hub.

Peggy was at a small computer station on the Internet per the usual.

Curtis was perched in front of all the radio equipment.

“Are we really Code Red?” Peggy asked worriedly.

“Yeah. Unidentifieds in the neighborhood. And they’re the living kind,” Travis responded as he listened to Curtis calling the team that was out rescuing survivors.

Peggy frowned. “This worries me. Another survivor group didn’t contact us today. ”

Travis rubbed his chin. “I had heard that. ”

“Not a good thing to hear,” Peggy exclaimed, throwing up her hands. “When they have lasted this long and then one day nothing…”