The first official fort-wide meeting was held in the dining room. It started right after dinner. Only the people on patrol didn't attend.

It stared off calm and ended up strained. Guilt ate at some, while others vehemently defended their choice to evict Shane and Phillip.

There was a mixture of reactions at the news of the Vigilante striking again. Some obviously saw him as a person willing to do what the authorities would not. Others were terrified for their safety.

No one wanted to end up on the wrong side of the wall.

The Mayor lost control of the meeting after half an hour and Peggy and Bill took over. Manny looked sickly. Rosie and Felix helped him out of the room.

Kate and Travis sat in the back of the room, listening to the other survivors. The strain and terror of the last four months was spilling out. It slowly became apparent that people were very aware of the fragility of their new existence and wanted assurance that life would safely continue. Making new societal rules was something most didn't even want to deal with.

When they finally decided to vote in a new mayor and fort council, Travis wasn't surprised. When the town nominated names for the position of mayor, he was shocked.

Katie's fingers slid over his hand. She gave him a reassuring smile.

“Well, shit,” he muttered.

3. The Camera Doesn’t Lie

“…as it dawns on them what they have done, the ramifications of their Romanesque gladiator games continue to reverberate throughout the fort,” Calhoun's voice narrates as the camera focuses in on four people lounging in plastic chairs, having a drink.

“Here we see the beautiful, yet psychotic Amazon named Jenni.

Sources tell me her real name is Genevieve Maria de la Lourdes Blakely. I'm sure that is some sort of top secret Catholic Church code…”

The camera zooms in on Jenni who promptly sticks out her tongue and crosses her eyes.

“…this bizarre secret salute once more appears on her face.

Whenever I approach her, she immediately signals the other Amazons.

But little does she know that with the use of some foil and toothpicks, I have eliminated her secret signal…”

The camera zips around to show Juan looking annoyed as he lounges next to Jenni.

“…as I once more document their top secret meetings…”

Juan looks toward the camera and scowls. “This is not a top secret meeting, Calhoun. We're chilling out together as friends. ”

“…is Mr. Juan De La Torre. He's Mexican-American and, as usual, he is issuing denials of his secret activities…”

Juan rolls his eyes and waves the camera away.

“Next is Travis Marcus Buchanan. Now, he used to live in England so I strongly suspect he is a spy for the Queen…”

The picture zooms in on the curly-headed man sitting in a chair looking grim. He sighs and pushes the camera out of his face.

“Calhoun, give it a rest. ”

“…then his ladylove. The center of this debacle, Kathleen Mathilde Kiel. Her code name is Katie…”

The blond woman looks up into the camera; the light illuminating her golden locks, making her pale face look even whiter. “Calhoun, I know you think you should document all of this, but please aim the camera away from my face. ”

“…this one eludes me to her origins…”

Katie sighs and covers her face with her hands.

“…but the truth remains that they sent two men into the wilderness…and one came back…or actually it was his clone…and not a very well done one…It was kinda chewed up and in pieces…”