“To put it simply, the Vigilante. ”

“What?” Juan's expression of disbelief was mirrored in Travis'.

“The boxes of ammunition we gave them were full of gravel. Once Shane and Philip spent the ammunition in their guns, they were done.

To make it worse for them, the fuel line of the car was cut and rigged with cheap tape that would give way pretty quickly. They were dead in the water very quickly. I actually don't think the Vigilante meant for them to break down so close to the Fort. ” Bill shrugged. “The Vigilante couldn't get them in here, so he or she got them out there. ”

“Damn,” Travis said in a stunned voice.

Manny calmly folded his hands on his desk. “We need to find this person and stop them. This is not acceptable behavior. ”

“Manny, don't you think Curtis and Bill are doing everything they can?” Peggy arched her brows.

Curtis sighed and sat on the edge of the desk. “The Vigilante is not stupid. ”

Bill laid a reassuring hand on the younger man's shoulder. “We'll find him, son. ”

“Does anyone really disagree with the ones he has punished? It's not like he's killing innocent people. ” Juan's temper was getting the best of him again, Travis gave him a warning look.

“Maybe not, but how he or she is going about this isn't right. No one should hold so much power of the lives of others,” Nerit answered.

Curtis looked very tired and overwhelmed. “He's doing what the rest of us don't want to do. ”

“We're all in this together,” Peggy pointed out. “One person can't decide who lives and who dies. Or who stays and who leaves. ”

“Was there any sign of Shane?” Travis asked.

“From the foot prints around the car and in the nearby field, we think they broke down, encountered zombies, used up their ammunition, tried to reload, realized what was happening, and that they both ran for it. It looks like Shane ran across the field. Phillip ran in the opposite direction. He eventually made it back to the fort,”

Bill explained.

“We looked around for Shane, but didn't find him,” Ed added.

“He is probably already dead and wandering around,” Jenni decided. “And I can't say I feel sorry about that. ”

It was the first thing she had said since the meeting had started.

Travis noted the rawness in her voice. Jenni seemed unsettled. That bothered him. Juan placed a hand on Jenni's shoulder to comfort her, but she didn't seem to notice.

“We need to keep this quiet,” Manny decided.

“We can't keep this quiet,” Travis protested.

“C'mon, Manny. People need to know what is going on,” Peggy caste an exasperate look toward the Mayor.

“People are already figuring it out. ” Felix shook his head. “They ain't stupid. Phillip showed up eaten up something fierce. ”

“In pieces,” Jenni pointed out.

“We can't have people panicking,” Manny stated firmly. “They are scared enough as it is. ”

“People need to know so they will be on the alert and report anything suspicious. ” Bill shifted in his chair and studied his notebook.

“The Vigilante isn't going to stop. ”

“How do you know that?” Curtis wore an expression of curiosity.

“Because people like the Vigilante don't stop. ” Nerit answered.