“She didn't get anyone killed or even nearly killed,” Bill pointed out.

“But whoever the Vigilante is has a distorted perception of reality and who deserves to live or die,” Nerit reminded him.

“We keep it quiet,” Ed said firmly as he drove on.

“Agreed,” Bill said.

Felix nodded. “Gotta put up with zombies and crazies. ”

Jenni sighed heavily. She hated feeling weak.

“It will be okay,” Nerit assured her.

Jenni wasn't too sure she agreed.

“What did you find out anyway?” Felix asked.

Nerit looked at Bill. He shrugged.

“We learned that the Vigilante is still at work,” she answered.

Felix stared at her for a few seconds, then shook his head. “Great.

Just great. ”

Jenni rested her head against the cool window and gazed out at the dead town. The world still didn't feel right to her. It wasn't just the Vigilante. It was Lloyd. She felt him, somewhere, nearby, watching her.

She was afraid.

Chapter 13

1. When Plans Go Awry

It was quickly apparent that something grim had been discovered by the expressions on the team returning to the fort. Travis was with Katie at her sentry post when they returned.

“I better go find out what is going on,” he said.

“You better tell me everything later. ” It was obvious that she was annoyed at having to stay at her post while the fate of Shane and Phillip was discussed.

“Do I have a choice?”

“Absolutely not. ” Katie grinned.

Travis kissed her and left her to her duty. He made his way across the old construction site to city hall. Juan was also on his way. They met up at the back entry.

“It's not going to be good, is it?” Juan pushed his cowboy hat back on his dark curls.

“Nerit had her poker face, but Jenni's expression said it all. ”

“That's my girl. Always destined to lose every game of strip poker we ever play. ” Juan smirked and wagged an eyebrow.

Travis just laughed and headed inside. Peggy and Manny were already in their old office with the team and Curtis. Juan and Travis were the last two to join the group. Jenni looked pale and a little spacey. Juan quickly moved to her side and asked her something in Spanish. She shook her head and looked away. Juan looked a little surprised and stood awkwardly at her side.

“So what happened out there?” Travis sat down in an ancient wooden office chair.

“Other than lots of zombies?” Felix asked. “Because there were lots of those. ”

Nerit sighed and looked at Bill, obviously deferring to him as the person of authority on the issue.