It's a tough world. I talk to a trucker stuck out in the hills every day. He ran out of gas. He is low on food. I can't go get him because he doesn't know where he is. He's going to die out there. And I'm his only friend. "

Katie shivered and slumped back in the chair, holding herself. "I hate leaving you both here. "

"It's where we belong. Same as you going back to the Fort. It's where you belong. " Ralph leaned over and took her hand in his. He gave it a firm squeeze. "You help Travis and the others keep safe. You keep strong. "

Katie looked at him, then smiled. "And you do the same. "

Ralph nodded and Nerit appeared at the door. "It's time to sleep, you two. We have an early morning. "

Ralph unfolded his body from the chair with a little grunt. He walked over and kissed Nerit on the cheek. She smiled softly at him and held out her hand to Katie.

Katie went to her and Nerit guided her inside.

Laura was still asleep on the sofa, curled up tightly, clutching the tape in her sleep. Bill was lying on the cot, snoring a little.

"You and Travis need to share the guest room. Is that okay?" Nerit asked.

Ralph turned to protest, but was silenced at Nerit's look.

"I don't care. It's not like he's a jerk who'll try to feel me up," Katie said with a wink.

Ralph gave Nerit a look as they passed him and she just waved her hand at him. Katie was bemused by Ralph's old-fashioned sensibilities. But she was tired and wanted to sleep.

They reached the threshold of the guestroom and Travis was already there, lying on his back, eyes closed, on top of the covers. Katie almost laughed at the sight.

Nerit kissed her cheek and whispered, "I'm going to miss you. "

Katie smiled back at her. "I'm going to miss you. I hope, one day, I can be as strong as you are. "

Nerit looked flattered, but at the same time a little sad. "Just remember to always be true to your heart and do your best. And that will always make you strong. "

Katie kissed Nerit's cheek gently and hugged her. "Good advice. I plan to keep it. "

Letting go of the older woman's hand, she slipped into the darkened bedroom and lay down on the bed.

"Don't try anything," Travis said sleepily. "I'd hate to punch a woman. "

"I can barely contain myself, but I'll keep my hands to myself," Katie assured him with a little laugh.

Travis smiled and opened one eye to look at her. "I've turned gay women before. "

"Suuuuuuuuuuuuure. "


"Yep, turned their stomachs and sent them screaming," Travis teased groggily.

"That sounds more plausible. I can barely keep from gagging. " Katie rolled onto her side and tucked her hand under her cheek, facing him. "But seriously…"

Travis rolled over to face her. "Yeah?"



"If I don't make it-"

"You will make it. "