Looking toward Jason, Katie saw he was talking intently with the other teenagers and now a few pre-teens. They were drinking soda and eating chips and once in awhile, Jason would laugh or smile. That was very good to see and Katie was sure he had not seen his stepmother disappear with Juan.


nbsp; Travis rubbed the back of her neck with one hand gently and she glanced toward him. He gave her that sad-eyed smile that made her heart ache for him. So she did the only thing she could think of. She crossed her eyes and stuck out her tongue at him. Laughing, he drew his hand away and leaned toward her.

"You know, it’s little things like that which make me think there is so much more to you than meets the eye," Travis said.

"Oh, there is," she answered, feeling slight guilt at her determination to make him think she was an unattainable lesbian. Of course, the painful truth was she was drawn to him and that felt like an utter betrayal of Lydia. "I have all sorts of deep dark secrets. "

"Ah, I see," he said, and squinted his eyes at her. "You know, I don't believe you. "

Katie laughed. "Seriously. I have all sorts of secrets that would tantalize you. But that's okay. My life as a super spy should be kept secret. I made James Bond look like a wussy. "

"I see. Well, then I won't tell you that I'm a space alien," Travis said with a nod of his head.

Katie smirked and clicked her bottle of beer against his. "You got a deal. "

Curtis wandered over and looked at them uncomfortably. "Did you get an update on our newest addition?"

"Yeah, the Mayor told us. He wasn't too happy about Ritchie showing up or the story around it," Travis answered.

"Look, I know I'm not one to say what does or does not happen, but I think we should just put him out of his misery and dump him over the wall.

Seriously, he's nothing but a piece of white trash. " Curtis looked more upset than Katie had ever seen him.

Travis stood up and said softly, "Curtis, this is something that we all have to discuss together. Seriously, in this world, I feel everyone has a chance. Even the local crack dealer. "

"Meth dealer," Curtis corrected.

Katie stood up as well and said in a low voice, "But at the same time we need to make sure our safety isn't compromised by people who have no idea of how to work with the community. "

Travis looked at her, startled, and said, "A human being is a human being, Katie. "

"Yes, but at the same time, what will he add to our community? If he honestly sacrificed others to save his own life and those people were his friends, then how do we know he won't do the same to us?" Katie looked at him very intently.

"That's bullshit, Katie. I'm sorry. They are all strung up on drugs and doing stupid stuff like going into a zombie-infested clinic. They are not in their right mind. " Travis put his hands on his hips and returned her gaze.

Curtis shook his head. "Look, Travis, I have some serious concerns and I'm sure others do as well. "

"Then we handle it as a group," Travis answered immediately.

"Don't get defensive if we don't agree with your point of view, Travis,"

Katie said firmly.

"I just don't understand how you could not see that everyone has a right to life," Travis responded.

Katie shook her head and looked away from him. She ended up looking across the construction site toward the new area. There were at least four men up on the new wall shouting down at the zombies. Katie noticed one was even peeing on them.

"Travis, I think we may have other troubles," she said and pointed.

"Ah, shit. "

Katie watched as another man flung his empty beer bottle down at the zombies. Maybe it was because she was now aware of the situation, but she could swear the zombies were getting louder.

"I'll get Bill so we can go get them," Curtis said gruffly.

Travis agreed with this and Curtis walked off. "I'm going to go and get them down before one of them takes a header into the crowd. "