
Rubbing his face, the tall man sighed. "Um…because…look, I need you to help me figure all this out. I can't risk you getting… You've been hurt twice…You…"

Katie held up her hand. "Okay, obviously, you're being a total girl right now. Just out with it, Travis. "

"I don't want to lose you to those things. Or to some dumbass going after you because you are gay. Yeah, I'm keeping you back from some stuff until you're okay. You did break down the other night; you did get the shit beat out of you. Sorry if I shouldn't be so protective, but I might as well tell you…"

Katie didn't want to hear his next words. She quickly hugged him tightly and kissed him on the cheek. "Okay, okay. But I don't need a big brother. I need to work. To keep busy. "

Travis blushed a little. "Yeah, well. " He seemed to consider going on, telling her the truth they were both avoiding.

"Uh huh. No worries. " Katie said briskly and deftly avoided looking at him. Instead she looked toward the new entrance and watched the gates open and close in short jerky movements. "Things are getting better, but more complicated, aren't they?"

"It's the way of life," Travis decided. He put an arm around her shoulders and gave her a little squeeze. "Let's get some dinner. "

"Sounds oh so exciting," Katie joked.

"Yeah, I hear it’s Dinty Moore beef stew night!"

"Yummy. Ah, fillet Mignon, I miss you so. "

"Hamburgers…gawd…I miss those," Travis said with a little sigh.

Katie laughed and they walked down to join the others for dinner.

3. Promises

Katie glanced up from her meal of Dinty Moore beef stew and freshly baked cornbread to see a very pale and pensive Jenni sit down across from her.

"What's wrong?"

Jenni shrugged and used her spoon to poke apart the bits of beef in her stew.


"It's just not fair, you know? It's not fair that this thing splits up families.

It's not fair that my kids are dead. It's not fair that your wife is dead. Why can't entire families survive together? Why can't they just make it through as a whole? Why is that so fucking hard?" Jenni finished her rant and shoved a bunch of stew in her mouth and chewed furiously.

Katie blinked, then slid her hand across the table to gently pat Jenni's free hand. It rested on the table in a tight fist. "What happened?"

Jenni shoved more food into her mouth and shrugged again. Her eyes were angry and not focused on anything or anyone in particular.

Katie looked toward the entrance to the dining room to see Peggy talking to a distraught looking man who had his arms draped across the shoulders of a teenage girl and young boy.

"You rescued a family," Katie said.

"Half a family. The Mom and the little girl…zombies…or on their way…when we got there. " Jenni stabbed a potato with her spoon until it was mush. "They were bit two days ago. If we hadn't gotten there in time the whole family would be dead right now. "

"But you did save some of them and that is something," Katie said softly.

"Is it? Really?" Jenni covered her face with one hand. "Katie, the only thing I even feel a little good about is that I killed the mother and kid so they aren't out there running around. How fucked up is that?"

"Honestly, I understand. I wish…I wish I had had the strength to kill the thing that was Lydia so she wouldn't be out there right now. I wish it with all my heart. So be glad you gave that family at least that much," Katie responded in a soft, tortured voice.

Jenni lowered her head, nodding slightly. "I wish we had put Mikey and Benji to peace. Lloyd…fuck him…but the kids…" She sighed wearily and shoveled more food into her mouth. She chewed thoughtfully, then waved her spoon around in the air, and said around her food, "It fucking sucks when death is a gift. "

Katie ran her fingertips over her forehead lightly, then leaned forward to look at Jenni straight on. "I'm not joking, Jenni. It's ripping me apart knowing that Lydia is out there. Lately, it’s almost unbearable. "