“It sucks that we can’t go to the government to help us.” Alexia swiveled her chair back and forth while typing on her keyboard.

“We all know how that worked out for the Washington group that tried to get help,” Cassandra said sadly.

“Guantanamo.” Jeff sighed. “I can’t believe they got pegged as terrorists. Or maybe the government knows. Maybe they don’t care. Maybe they’re in on it. Maybe they want The Summoner to win. Who knows?” Jeff ran his hands through his hair again, exhaling loudly.

“What does it matter? We’re on our own. We already know that. When it comes to dealing with The Summoner directly, we’re it. There’s no point lamenting that fact anymore.” Aimee folded her arms over her breasts.

“The hot witch has a point,” Cassandra agreed.

“We’ll deal with Etzli, get the information we need, and go from there,” Cian said in a firm voice.

There was a long beat of silence, then Jeff said, “Holy shit, we got Etzli! Does that blow anyone else’s mind?”

“I won’t believe it until I see it,” Cassandra admitted.

Cian checked his phone again when he felt it buzz. “They’ll be here soon. We do have the cell prepped, right?”

“Benchley is putting the finishing touches on it,” Jeff answered.

“Cian, how are we going to keep her from pulling her slick assassin moves?” Cassandra tilted her head, curiosity in her eyes.

“Silver chains. And if that doesn’t work, I’ll chop off her arms and legs,” Cian answered simply.

“For real?” Cassandra’s eyes widened.

“Of course.” Cian stood, stretched and lightly stroked his daughter’s hair with one hand. “If she attempts to break free, I’ll do it.”

Cassandra opened her mouth, then shut it abruptly.

“This is a war, Cass,” Cian reminded her.

“No mercy,” Aimee agreed. “Etzli would never show it to us.”

“And when we get the information we need?” Alexia asked.

“We kill her,” Jeff said, also standing.

The thought of destroying a woman he had once cared about should have bothered him, Cian thought, but it didn’t. Etzli would kill all of them and take Amaliya to The Summoner if she could.

Cian and Jeff exited the room together, walking down the narrow hallway to another room. It was actually another one of Cian’s resting places, but they had altered it to hold whomever they managed to snatch. That it was Etzli made Cian especially nervous.

“Do you think she’ll talk?” Jeff asked in a lowered voice.

“Honestly, no. But we’ll find a way to get the information out of her. We have to.”

Jeff stopped in mid-stride and turned to face Cian. Arms folded, the human looked dour. “If we find out where The Summoner is from Etzli, we’ll have to attack soon.”

Cian nodded. “As soon as possible.”

“Which means we should get the information out of her tonight. If we don’t, there’s a chance The Summoner will move locations.” Jeff fidgeted a little. “Do you think we can do it?”

“We don’t have a choice, Jeff. This is our best break so far.”

“Is Amaliya sure she can actually carry out her plan?”

“She’s certain of it. If we can rescue Bianca, we will have The Summoner at a great disadvantage. If she can untether The Summoner from Bianca’s body, he’ll be a ghost again, and Samantha thinks she can possibly banish him.” Cian knew it was all conjecture, but it was all they had. There was really no way to plan in certainties. They’d have to wing it. He didn’t like it any more than Jeff did, but didn’t see where they had a choice.

“I hate this,” Jeff sighed, rubbing his face with his hands. “If The Assembly hadn’t fallen apart they might have been able to figure out how to eliminate him.”