Reaching into the oversized bag on the chair beside her, she traced her fingertips over the sheathed silver dagger. She had to wait. If she struck at him in public and failed, it would be the end of everything; therefore, she had to wait until they were away from the public. The stillness around her was comforting after the cacophony of voices that had assailed her earlier. Maybe her mother’s spirit was holding back the others, or perhaps they were silent now that they knew she would move against the monster that would be the end of the world.

Watching Amaliya, tears sprung to Bianca’s eyes. Every aspect of her yearned to connect with the other woman, for Amaliya would understand what Bianca suffered. They would be like sisters, best friends, and, at last, Bianca wouldn’t be alone.

The green tea in the chipped bright yellow cup was cold now. Bianca’s fingers traced the lip lazily as she pretended to read the book she’d propped up before her. Whatever the two were discussing, it appeared to be upsetting Amaliya. PJ Harvey’s voice sang hauntingly over the loudspeaker above Bianca’s head, mournful and full of pain. It perfectly mirrored Amaliya’s expression. Crossing her legs, Bianca inadvertently bumped the table with her knee, the mug crashing to the floor. Bianca slid off the chair, picking the pieces out of the cold liquid. A barista hurried over with towels, a broom, and dustpan.

“I’m sorry,” Bianca said. “I can pay for the mug.”

“It’s no big deal,” the male barista assured her, mopping up the tea with the striped towels.

Bianca continued to pick up the slivers of the cup, her trembling hands making it difficult to get the smaller pieces.

“Hey, it’s okay. Let me get it. You might cut yourself.” The young man smiled at her.

Bianca slid back onto her chair, her eyes straying to the table across the room.

It was empty.

Gasping, she shot to her feet, grabbed her things, and darted out of the shop. The professor’s Mini Cooper pulled out of the parking lot just as she stumbled down the steps to the warm asphalt still steaming from the earlier rain. In a mad scramble, she ran to her scooter, hopped on, started it, and pursued the car. The roads were still slick from the rain, but she exceeded the speed limit and soon the Cooper was in sight. The dirty water kicked up by the car tires splashed over her skirt and boots, but Bianca didn’t care. The urgency ripping through her kept her speeding along.

Bianca lost the Mini Cooper a short distance from the dorm buildings. Caught at a red light, she was forced to wait while the traffic congested the intersection. When the traffic light finally changed to green, her little scooter soared along the lane guarded by tall pine trees. Bianca fought against her growing panic and fear. The voices of the dead whispered out of the darkness, urging her to hurry. Reaching the dorms, Bianca scanned the nearly empty parking lot. Dread ate at her stomach as her scooter cruised up and down the rows. At last, she spotted the Mini Cooper parked near a dumpster. It was close to two dorms.

“How do I find them?” Bianca whispered a prayer to the universe.

Sliding off the scooter, she already knew the answer. The one ability she feared most would have to be put to use. Her front teeth burrowed into her bottom lip while she gripped the hilt of the dagger. Trembling, tears in her eyes, Bianca lowered her eyelids. The collapse of her carefully constructed mental walls left her panting in fear. Immediately she could both feel and see the pitch-black trail of the dark powers of the false professor heading toward the far building. The inky remains of his passing smeared the air, writhing like snakes. Sucking a shuddering breath through her gritted teeth, she followed it into the gloom. The wet earth squelched beneath her boots as Bianca stalked resolutely after the monster she feared, but had to vanquish.

Rounding the corner, she saw Amaliya and the false professor in a passionate embrace. For a second, Bianca faltered, abruptly uncertain. The scene was so intimate it was hard for her to believe that Amaliya was truly in danger. The man’s face was hidden in the darkness of the other woman’s hair, his hand tucked within her jeans, stroking her. Bianca pressed a hand to her forehead, wondering briefly if she’d lost her mind. Had all the people who’d accused her of being crazy been correct?

A heavy plopping noise drew Bianca’s attention back to the writhing couple. A cloud slid from the face of the moon, the pale light illuminating the dark liquid pouring out of Amaliya’s throat.

Bianca gasped.

Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!

Dragging the silver dagger out of the sheath, Bianca dropped her bag onto the misty ground.

Amaliya slid from the professor’s grip, her throat a bloody ruin.

“Yes, so very pretty as you die,” the monster said.

Bianca raised the weapon and rushed him. He didn’t even turn toward her. A mere sweep of his hand sent her tumbling to the ground. The dagger fell from her fingertips, disappearing into the murk. Rolling onto her stomach, Bianca’s hands raked the grass, searching frantically. The voice of the vampire was a low murmur as he bent over his victim. The vampire’s power surged. The night pressed down on her body. Bianca fought to raise the walls she had lowered to find him, but she sensed his aura seeping into her mind like ice cold water. Sluggishly, she crawled across the rain drenched ground, searching for the weapon.

Agony ripped through her scalp when he grabbed her by her hair and dragged her deeper into the shadows dwelling at the base of the dorm building. Only the tall pines with the wind writhing through their branches were witness to the violent scene. Bianca kicked her feet while her fingers scrabbled at his hand. When he tossed her onto the ground beside Amaliya, Bianca could smell the overwhelming coppery smell of warm blood.

The ancient vampire regarded her with glowing white eyes. Handsome in a cold, cruel manner, his fake face was gone. Pinning her with one hand, he squatted near her. “Now, now, my little Bianca, did you really need to interrupt my moment with our delicious Amaliya?”

Bianca’s gaze slid to the other medium. Amaliya’s eyes were

wide, staring, her breath rattling in her throat. She wasn’t gone yet, but close. Tendrils of the vampire’s power punctured Amaliya’s body, feeding her false life. The other medium’s lips and tongue were stained with blood.

Tears blurring her vision, Bianca reached out to Amaliya, her fingers straining for the other woman’s hand. So many regrets filled her. If only she had been wiser, stronger, and bolder, maybe she could have saved Amaliya.

“Why are you doing this?” she whispered.

The vampire didn’t answer. Striking as swiftly as a viper, his fangs tore into her throat, her blood spilling into his mouth and onto the ground. Bianca tried to call out, but his power rendered her speechless. Even as the agonizing pain threatened to swallow her into unconsciousness, Bianca strove to reach Amaliya’s limp hand. The vampire savagely tore at her flesh, the excruciating pain her punishment for interrupting him. She could feel his anger pouring into her, but she fought against the giant wave of his power. Death loomed ever closer, but she fought against it.

With one last great effort, Bianca managed to at last touch Amaliya’s fingertips with her own. Or maybe Amaliya had reached for her? Just a spark of life remained in the other woman.

Find me, Bianca whispered into the dying woman’s mind. Find me. We will defeat him together.