“Bench! No! Not that way!” Bianca howled with laughter.

Bianca looked far removed from the shell-shocked vampire that had woken up on the way home to Austin after The Summoner had been defeated. Amaliya had been a little disappointed with Bianca’s fading necromancy, but she was pleased that Cian was being such a gentle guide to the young woman.

Baptiste sprawled on the loveseat favoring his still healing arm and eating the popcorn Aimee was attempting to string for the Christmas tree. Cassandra sat on the floor with her arm slung over Aimee’s lap. Galina was in the kitchen with Alexia making cookies. Jeff sat in a chair sipping eggnog while Samantha sat on his lap and texted her parents on her phone.

Cian’s fingers gently stroked Amaliya’s leg. She was tempted to drag him back upstairs, but reminded herself it was a special occasion and she was a guest in Jeff’s house.

Happily, the vampires would soon be moving out to their new place. Cian had also purchased a house a few blocks away for Cassandra, Aimee and Galina. Amaliya couldn’t wait to be in their own place again so she could play her drums as loud as she damned well pleased and smoke without having Samantha giving her the evil eye.

Wrapping her arms around Cian, Amaliya nestled her lips against his cheek. He grinned at her and kissed the tip of her nose. The pride and love she saw in his eyes every time he looked at her made her glow with happiness. She had spent every night since the big battle showing him how much she loved him. He had returned the favor in spades.

Alexia wandered into the room with a plate of cookies, one firmly tucked between her teeth. Setting it down on the coffee table, she observed the mad scramble by the non-vampires to grab the tasty treats.

“So, now that we’ve saved the world, celebrated Christmas, and are looking forward to a non-apocalyptic 2013, what the hell are we going to do with ourselves?” she asked.

“I don’t know about y’all, but I’m going to do a little bit of traveling,” Amaliya answered.

“Oh? Where to?” Baptiste munched on his cookie, his maroon eyes watching her curiously.

“Yes, where to?” Cian twisted about to gaze at her.

“Houston and Dallas,” Samantha said looking up from her phone.

“Huh?” Benchley shoved a cookie in his mouth. “Why?”

Bianca handed him a napkin for his mouth, pointing to the crumbs.

“To kill some bitches,” Samantha answered for Amaliya.

With a wide grin, Amaliya said, “Right on, little bitch. You in?”

“Fuck yeah, bitch-face.” Samantha gave her two thumbs up.

“Who are we killing exactly?” Aimee lifted her eyes from the string of popcorn she was diligently working on between cookie bites.

“Courtney and Nicole,” Cassandra declared, nodding her head as she figured it out. “Those two bitches.”

“And all their asshole servants.” Amaliya crossed her legs and folded her arms over the swell of her breasts.

“Exactly why?” Cian tilted his head. “All the vampires abandoned us. Why them specifically?”

“Because I promised those bitches I’d come for them for betraying humanity. I’m going to keep my word,” Amaliya responded, flipping her hair back from her face and giving him a defiant look.

“I’m in,” Bianca volunteered, holding up her hand.

“I’ve got nothing else to do. I’m in.” Baptiste raised his good hand.

“I like a good fight.” Cassandra lifted hers high over her head.

“I go where the hot dhamphir goes.” Aimee added her vote, raising hers, too.

“C’mon, you guys. We just saved the world. Can’t we chill for a bit?” Benchley gave them all a surly look.

“We’ll go after the New Year.” Alexia raised two hands.

“Fine.” Benchley grudgingly raised his.

Jeff looked at Samantha for guidance. “So?”