Alexia continued to sing along to yet another song.

Bianca zoomed her scooter around a corner and toward Jeff’s Victorian. Her scarf fluttered behind her and the cool air kissed her cheeks red. It was Christmas Eve. She had a family, a home, and a future.

She had tried so hard to save Amaliya, but in the end Amaliya had saved her.

“You are mutilating that poor bird!” Samantha stomped her foot and frowned at Jeff.

“Excuse me, but my turkey cutting skills are excellent,” Jeff responded, holding the carving knife over the golden roasted bird.

“Doing it all wrong. So wrong.”

Jeff kissed her nose. “Well, deal with it. We’re getting hitched. You’re signing on for the whole package. Besides, I have to put up with the cat and the ghost.” Jeff gestured to Beatrice sitting at his feet waiting for more turkey skin and then Roberto.

The ghost was washing dishes and looking decidedly grumpy about it.

Samantha grinned, lifting her eyes to the ceiling. “True.”

“Why haven’t you sent him on to his just reward?” Jeff asked, leaning toward her. He adored her cute face and twinkling eyes.

“He’s afraid it’s in the burning place.”

“I’d rather go to hell than do your dishes,” Roberto groused.

“Oh, shut your face,” Samantha shot back.

Jeff returned to carving the turkey. “I have the craziest life.”

“And you love it.” Samantha plucked a bit of turkey from the pan and fed it to her cat.

With a grin, Jeff had to admit she was right.

“Did I do that right?” Galina frowned at the setting on the dining room table.

Cassandra craned her head to check. “Yep. Everything is right. Fork, knife, spoon all in the proper places.”

Setting crystal goblets at each setting, Aimee bestowed a sweet look on Galina. “You’re doing very, very well.”

“Do I set a place for Cian, Bianca, and Amaliya?” Galina pursed her lips, her eyes filling with tears.

Cassandra slipped behind her mother and gave her a little hug. “The vampires are going to join us, but not eat. Don’t set anything for them. They’re here for conversation.”

“It’s been a very long time,” Galina said, her eyes settling on the notebook open on the table. “Cian moved on.”

Kissing her mother’s cheek, Cassandra wished her mother didn’t hurt so much over Cian, but it was safer for her in Austin than anywhere else. Until they were sure that all of The Summoner’s forces were wiped out, they all had to be very careful. It was awkward to have her mother and father in close proximity, but they were both trying very hard to be cordial.

“It’s all good, Mom.”

“It is good,” Galina nodded her head. “It is. You and Aimee are here with me. Your friends are very nice. The house is beautiful. And your father loves you. Plus, I’m going to make you cookies tonight.”

“See! Life is perfect!” Cassandra gave her mother one more squeeze.

“I’ll start now!” Galina smiled at her lovingly, picked up her notebook, then hurried to the kitchen already forgetting she had been helping to set the table.

Aimee sidled around the table and wrapped her arms around Cassandra. Her kiss was sweet and loving. It always made everything much better when Aimee held her.

“It’s all going to work out, you know. It always does,” Aimee assured her.

“As long as we’re together, I’m not worried,” Cassandra answered.