“I thought you two had a thing.”

“We did,” Etzli said. “Then The Summoner came to me.”

“So...you two?” Amaliya tilted her head to regard the silent form of Bianca beside her.

“Jealous?” The Summoner asked.

“No, no. The more the merrier I say.”

This comment drew an angry look from Etzli and a smirk from The Summoner.

“I noticed last night,” The Summoner said.

“Guess you weren’t invited,” Amaliya said to Etzli with a bright smile.

The Aztec woman pointedly glared out the passenger window.

Amaliya poked the driver, Gregorio. “Do you have a cigarette?”

As an answer, Gregorio pulled a pack out of his pocket and handed it to her.

“Don’t smoke in the car,” Etzli ordered.

“It’s not like it’s going to give you lung cancer. Sheesh, chill out.”

Amaliya loved needling Etzli. It was very evident that the blood goddess was lower down on the totem pole than Amaliya and Amaliya had every intention of rubbing that fact in. Lighting her cigarette, she glanced out the window to see a family car whiz by, the back filled with kids. It sickened her to think of what would happen to them if The Summoner succeeded. The upcoming battle was for people like them. Amaliya wanted to survive, but wasn’t certain she would. Since she’d awakened, she’d been pondering everything she had learned about the powers at play. She had an idea of what she might be able to do to throw a wrench in The Summoner’s plans, but she’d have to wait for the perfect moment to strike.

The incandescence of the rings increased overhead. Amaliya puffed harder on her cigarette and ignored the trembling of her fingers. The magic around the sword writhed like snakes within the vehicle and she kept her own powers tightly wound inside of her. Using her necromancy would backfire since she was so closely bound to The Summoner. With him using both his powers and Bianca’s, it would be easy for him to snare Amaliya. It pissed her off that she had to abandon her death magic for this fight.

A light rain started to patter against the windshield. Ahead were signs announcing the 1604 exits. The area had three sharp loops and several flyovers that split off in various directions. 1604 encircled San Antonio and Interstate 35 was a major thoroughfare. The area was very busy due to holiday travelers and shoppers. All the cars sliding past the SUV were packed with people who had no idea that the sweet, innocent girl sitting next to Amaliya was possessed by one of the most evil creatures to ever walk the earth.

“It’s time,” Etzli said.

Gregorio rolled down his window, the cold wind blasting into the interior. Pulling out a pistol, he locked his grip on the steering wheel.

“What are you doing?” Amaliya demanded, surging forward.

The Summoner slammed her back into her seat, cracking her ribs from the force. Gasping in agony, Amaliya watched the next events in dismay.

Gregorio started to fire at the passing vehicles. Windows shattered, tires popped, and the cars began a crazed dance across the lanes as drivers panicked. Aiming at the oncoming traffic, Gregorio shot the gun multiple times. Chaos erupted on the other side of highway divider.

The Navigator swung onto the shoulder of the road as the 1604 junction loomed ahead. Amaliya fought against The Summoner, but he was much stronger than she was and easily pinned her to the seat. He had the combined powers of both him and Bianca at his call.

The SUV veered onto the hard packed earth encapsulated by one of the loops of the highway. The rest of The Summoner’s vehicles swerved off the road and parked in a circle.

Gripping Amaliya’s arm tightly, The Summoner pulled her from the vehicle and into the freezing drizzle.

“Why are you shooting innocent people? Isn’t it enough that you’re going to destroy their world?” Amaliya cried out.

“Observe,” The Summoner said, sweeping Bianca’s arm out dramatically.

All lanes of the interstate were clogged with crashed vehicles. The entire area had been brought to a halt. People were rushing to rescue the accident victims, darting around the battered cars. One car was on fire and some men fought the flames in an attempt to rescue the people inside. Panicked screams sounded above the wild honking of the piled up traffic.

The Sword of Lucifer floated out of the vehicle and grew brighter in the presence of the despair, fear, and death.

Choking back a sob, Amaliya unexpectedly felt powerless in the face of such destruction. People were dying and she wasn’t sure any more if she could save them. The rings pulsed with radiant golden power and it spread out over The Summoner’s group creating a protective bubble.

“Trish,” Etzli called out. “It’s time.”