Benchley’s van backfired loudly as he started it. The side door was open. Jeff, Samantha, and Eduardo were already inside on the rear seat, all three covered in a thick layer of dust and trying to clear out their throats and lungs. Cassandra helped Aimee inside just as the house gave another loud groan before breaking apart and disappearing into the gaping sinkhole opening beneath it.

“What the hell...” Cian muttered, finally coming to as Cassandra shoved him onto the middle bench.

“You missed some stuff,” Cassandra said sliding in beside him.

Baptiste tucked Alexia into the front seat before jumping into the back, crouching on the floor and sliding the side door shut.

“Go! Go! Go!” Jeff shouted.

Cassandra glanced toward the house to see the sinkhole spreading outward. The van’s tires squealed as the vehicle raced up the street, Benchley honking the horn wildly as he drove.

“What are you doing?” Alexia panted.

“Trying to warn the neighbors,” Benchley answered.

Joining the others in looking out the back window to watch the destruction, Cassandra wrapped an arm around Cian in an attempt to console him.

“It’s not spreading past the property line,” Aimee observed, relief in her voice.

“He took her.” There was deadness in the words.

“Yeah, Dad. I’m so sorry.” Cassandra hugged him, not sure if he would accept her sympathy.

To her surprise, he lifted one arm, draped it over her shoulders, and held her close. “It was inevitable.”

The van swerved around a corner and sped along a dimly lit street.

“Benchley, slow down! It’s not following!” Jeff ordered. “We don’t need to crash!”

Benchley obeyed, but was still driving far too fast.

“What the hell happened back there?” Samantha demanded.

“The Summoner found a way into our haven through Etzli. Then he took Amaliya,” Cian answered. Everything about him was grim, from his words to his face.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Samantha slammed her fist against the back of the seat for emphasis.

Baptiste let out a long breath, cupping his head with his hands. “Dammit. We shouldn’t have brought Etzli back.”

“I can’t believe our plan failed,” Alexia said through her coughing fit.

“We’re dealing with The Summoner,” Cian said simply.

“You’re taking this pretty well considering that he just stole the hottest piece of ass in Austin,” Eduardo said, a smirk twisting his lips.

Cian moved so swiftly Cassandra didn’t even realize what was happening until Cian hurled Eduardo through the back window. Glass exploded outward, then the coyote’s body hit the street and rolled away into the night.

“Whoa,” Baptiste said, his maroon eyes widening.

“Did you just bust out my rear window?” Benchley howled in distress.

“I’ll pay to repair it. “ Returning to his seat next to Cassandra, Cian stared straight ahead.

“Dad?” Cassandra said softly, wrapping her arms around one of his. “Dad, we’ll get her back.”

Aimee started to rest her hand on Cian’s other arm, but thought better of it and set it on her lap instead. “Samantha may be able to track her. We’ll find Amaliya and rescue her.”

“No,” Cian said, shaking his head. “No.”