Samantha ran behind Jeff, weaving between vehicles. The cataclysmic sounds ahead were terrifying in volume. It sounded like the end of the world. Debris littered the ground and dirt filled the air.

“There it is!” Benchley was running along another path through the stopped traffic with his sister hot on his heels.

Eduardo loped along in full were form. No one said anything to him about exposing his true nature. The world was ending. Samantha supposed seeing a were-creature was the last of everyone’s worries. Those people still alive were running away and not paying attention to the small group of people rushing toward the devastation. Baptiste was just ahead them, pumping his arms as he sprinted. He was in the best shape out of all of them due to his regular runs. Samantha now wished she had kept up her running regime.

Baptiste reached the Mini Cooper first and peered inside. “She’s here!”

When Samantha saw the woman inside, she was struck out how absolutely gorgeous she was with her dark hair and big eyes. She looked strikingly like Cassandra and not much older than her daughter.

“Galina, it’s us!” Benchley bent into the car to hug her.

“Oh, Benchley!” Galina cried out. “I remember you!”

Samantha yelped as the ground lurched under her feet, knocking her into the car. Jeff grabbed her. They both lost their balance and fell to the blacktop.

“Oh, shit!” Baptiste exclaimed, hands held out trying to keep his balance as the road trembled.

Samantha and Jeff fought to get to their feet just in time to witness the remains of the interstate falling into the massive chasm opening beneath it.

“Get Galina out of here!” Samantha shouted at Benchley.

“I want to fight!” Benchley protested.

“No! Go!” Samantha shoved the big guy. “You have to get her away from here.”

Benchley’s mouth twisted in frustration, then he nodded. Grabbing Galina’s arm, he heaved her into his arms. The blood from Cian granted him strength and swiftness he didn’t usually have. He rushed toward the van.

Alexia drew her pistols out of her backpack and took a deep breath. “We’re going in, aren’t we?”

“Yeah,” Jeff sighed.

“I’ll see you down there.” Samantha closed her eyes, summoning her powers. Her magic instantly spread out from the core of her being and filled the air around her. The sparkling mist of her magic was a comfort amidst the bedlam. She summoned the ghosts to her side and felt them rushing to answer. When she reopened her eyes, they were glowing white with tiny black specks spiraling within them.

“Sam, wait!” Jeff cried out.

“I love you, babe, but I gotta get down there. The Summoner fucked up by not killing me. I’m The Phasmagus and I’m about to show him what that means.”

The rush of spectral beings zoomed over the cars like a milky-white fog and caught her up in their arms. Riding the crest of the massive wave, Samantha was swept up and over the crashed cars.

The gigantic crater below was filled with darkness and death, but Samantha wasn’t afraid anymore. The Summoner couldn’t control the ghosts, but she could.

The sparkling wave of phantasms descended into the sink hole carrying her into the darkness.

The Mayan temple was nothing more than a ruin. It had been swallowed long ago by the earth. Maybe it had been sheltered in a cavern all that time, but now it lay exposed to the fine rain falling from the storm clouds above. The walls covered in glyphs and elaborate stonework lay in shambles. The heads of stone serpents were broken in pieces, but a few still snarled at the base of the remains of the temple.

Crumpled cars littered the floor of the cavern. Bodies lay broken all around the temple, blood oozing along the rocks and pooling in the dirt. None had hit the desecrated temple, which didn’t surprise Amaliya. The black magic of the sword would protect everything but the human innocents.

Their descent was in silence. Much to Amaliya’s relief, the sword had released its hold on her and allowed her freedom of movement. She knew she could not strike out yet, or else she would meet with failure. Amaliya clutched Bianca to her side, supporting the smaller woman. Clearly overwhelmed, tears streamed over Bianca’s cheeks. Failure weighed heavily on both of them.

Amaliya couldn’t use her necromancy or The Summoner would seize her power and use it against her. That left her vampire abilities to fight with. It made her feel weak, but she trusted herself. She could and would find a way out of the situation. Plus, she had seen Cian, which meant the others were coming to help her fight. She had hope, which was enough to keep her walking into the dark behind her creator instead of foolishly trying to flee.

The Summoner strode before them. Etzli behind. The witches, demons, were-jaguars, infused humans, and elemagus finished off the procession.

The Sword of Lucifer soared over the center of the broken temple and illuminated the ruins with its golden radiance. The top of the building had broken away, but a flat surface remained.

The slope that the elemagus had formed was firm beneath her, but Amaliya kicked off her heels anyway. The dirt was frozen beneath her feet. Everyone always associated black magic, demons, and Lucifer with flames and heat, but all she felt was a marrow-deep cold.

When they reached the base of the temple, The Summoner easily scaled the broken steps rising to the platform. Amaliya followed. Keeping a tight clamp on her necromancy, Amaliya focused on her desperate, but only plan.