“It’s a blue Mini Cooper, white roof!” Cassandra shouted into the gust.

The long lines of vehicles stretched toward the violently swirling winds of the tornado ripping apart the 1604 junction. From their vantage point, the dhamphir and vampire could see the chaos clearly. The van would have difficulty getting through unless Benchley got very creative. As the drivers of the cars spotted the massive tornado consuming everything ahead, they were futilely attempting to get off the interstate and escape. Metal crunched and tires squealed as the cars collided. The frontage, shoulder, and the swatch of land between them were cluttered with cars and people. Some people simply abandoned their vehicles and ran.

Shrouded in shadows, no one saw the two people flying low overhead seeking out one car among many. Cassandra didn’t have time to enjoy the thrill of the flight since she was so anxious to spot her mother. The cold rush of air tore at her hair and clothes as their speed increased.

When she spotted the familiar car attempting to edge around a massive snarl of vehicles, relief flooded her. “There, Dad! There!”

Cian swooped lower and then they both dropped to the ground right behind the rear bumper of the car. Cassandra darted around to the driver’s door and Cian took the passenger side. A strange glow was emanating from within the car.

“Mom!” Cassandra dragged the door open, breaking the lock in her haste.

Galina stared straight ahead, her hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. Foot still pressed on the accelerator she urged her car forward, trying to push the big SUV in front of her out of her path.

“Mom!” Cassandra snatched the keys out of the ignition. “Mom!”

Staring straight ahead, Galina calmly unbuckled her seatbelt and shoved Cassandra violently out of her way. Cian made a grab for her, but Galina moved with preternatural swiftness to avoid him.

“She’s under its control!” Cian darted in front of Galina, raising his hands to stop her.

“Where is it?” Cassandra clutched her mother’s shoulders and twisted her about.

Galina struck her across the cheek with a closed fist. Cassandra staggered backward, shocked, hurt, and angry. “Stop it, Mom!” Her mother was still beautiful, but her sweetness was gone, replaced with a zombie-like stillness that terrified Cassandra.

The eerie illumination that Cassandra had witnessed before caught her eye again. It was emanating from Galina’s coat pocket. Cian saw it at the same time. Taking hold of the front of the coat, Cassandra ripped it open, the buttons bouncing off the asphalt as Cian yanked it off Galina’s arms.

Galina blinked her eyes, tilted her head, then a befuddled look came into her blue eyes. “Cass?”

The dhamphir had only a second to relish the return of her mother when she saw her father swarmed by people from all sides. Men, women, and children attacked him with nails, teeth, and hard punches. Surprised, Cian staggered backward, falling under the torrent of attackers.


Cassandra began dragging people off of him, startled by their strength and determination. They struck out at her and she shoved them away. She didn’t want to hurt them, but she didn’t know what else to do. The mob of bodies thrashed about, then a small child broke free and ran toward the stationary tornado that continued to rip apart the area.

“He has the ring!” Cian shouted at Cassandra, pushing people off him.

The spell to bring the ring to The Summoner was in full effect, influencing all the humans around it. They rushed alongside the boy, guarding him as he ran toward the tornado.

“Cass, what’s happening?” Galina asked, tears in her eyes. Shivering in the cold, she looked around in confusion.

“Mom, I have to go,” Cassandra said, kissing her cheek.

Cian gave up on trying to not hurt the humans and hurled the last few away before taking flight.

“Why? What’s happening?”

“I’m saving the world,” Cassandra answered.

There was a rush of cold air, then Aimee stood next to them. “The others are almost here. They’re on foot.”

“Aimee?” Galina smiled with relief at the sight of the witch. “You’re here!”

“Galina, sit in the car until our friends get you. Okay?” Aimee touched Galina’s shoulder gently, magic slipping from her fingertips into the confused woman.

A tranquil smile flitted over Galina’s lips. “Of course.”

After one last loving look at her mother, Cassandra grabbed her girlfriend’s hand and they ran after the Cian.

Chapter 28