“What is your point?”

“Have you ever met one?”

Arnost’s eyes shifted to Aimee, doubt filling them. “No. No one has.”

“That’s where you are wrong.” Frank waited for the waiter to set his glass of wine before him and slipped him a sizable bill before dismissing him.

“You’re going to have your little girl do a parlor trick?” Arnost and his companion laughed in mocking tones.

“Not really. Aimee, do you mind?”

Looking up, Aimee flexed her hands. Her power flowed out of her, white, hot and bright. She felt it wrap around Arnost and she pulled it tight. Through the surge of her power, she felt his ribs popping, splintering, and stabbing into his organs. She only did enough damage that he could heal immediately before releasing him.

Arnost’s face flushed red and his forehead beaded with bits of blood that his companion quickly dabbed with a handkerchief. As Arnost healed, he stared at Aimee with awe, fear, and desire. “How much for her?” he finally managed to say.

“Not for sale,” Frank said and took a sip of his wine. “But if I can find a full-blood witch what can I do for you?”

Arnost gave his companion a curt nod. “Transfer the stipend.”

The man quickly pulled out his cellphone and made a call.

“I’ll be in touch,” Frank said, sipping his wine, then sliding out of the booth. “Oh, Aimee, do that one final thing.”

Reluctantly, Aimee opened her purse and drew out the spell she had previously created. Crushing the dried bundle in her hand, she flung it in the faces of Arnost and his man. Coughing, the Serbian vampire looked at her in terror.

“That’s just a precaution. You speak of my witch and you’ll wish you never had,” Frank said with a smile. Taking her clean hand, Frank drew Aimee to her feet. Without another word, he escorted her out of the lounge, their guards following in their wake.

“Which spell did you make this time?” Frank asked curiously.

“He speaks of me and he’ll bleed out of every orifice for three days straight and feel like he is dying,” Aimee answered.

Frank laughed with delight. “You’re so wonderful.”

Aimee couldn’t help but smile. It was one of her favorite spells. She had tried it out on one of Frank’s most despicable men. It had felt like justice.

“I’m so glad my little bond keeps you from doing anything like that to me. Because I know you would do it in a heartbeat, wouldn’t you?”

Aimee gave him her most innocent look.

Frank winked at her. “I thought so.”

Guiding her to the entrance to The Venetian, Frank had a bit more spark in his step. He was in a good mood now that he had a new client.

“Where to now?” Aimee was hoping they’d just head home. She longed to dawdle in her garden. They’d been traveling for over a month. Partly to shop for new clothing, furniture, and other luxuries, but also to secure a few magical relics for Aimee to use.

“The Stratosphere.”

“How many times do you have to go up to the observation deck?” Aimee gave him a plaintive look. “Can’t we just go home?”

“No, no. I am meeting a courier there. I managed to snag something I’ve been after for years. Just a quick exchange and we’ll be on our way home.” Frank handed her his kerchief. “You might want to wipe off that spell before we get into the limousine.”

Aimee wanted to resist, but the compulsion of the blood bond she had with Frank forced her to obey.

“That’s my sweet witch,” Frank said approvingly. “I don’t know why I worry so much about you. I know you’d never leave me, would you?” His kiss was searing against her lips. “My little witch. No one will ever steal you away from me,” he whispered as he guided her out of the lobby and into the night.

Chapter 3:

Escapes and Encounters