Her fingers tracing Cassandra’s lips, Aimee smiled softly. This is where she belonged and she knew it with every fiber of her being.

Headlights interrupted their moment and they stepped apart. A big van pulled up next to the motorcycle, killing the headlights. Aimee started to panic, but Cassandra let out a squeal of delight and darted around the front of the vehicle. The driver’s door flew open and a big guy with dark blond hair and a scruffy goatee leaped out and met her with a big hug.

“Benchley!” Cassandra exclaimed. “Jeff didn’t tell me it was you coming to get us!”

“Hey, sexy, I’m here to rescue you!” Benchley snuggled Cassandra warmly. “Are you straight yet?”

“Nope. Still queer. In fact, this is Aimee, my new... uh...” Cassandra looked panicked all at once.

Aimee joined them, extending her hand. “I’m her new girlfriend.”

Cassandra grinned widely. “Yep. Girlfriend.”

“You always get the hottest chicks! No fair!” Benchley was obviously teasing, which set Aimee at ease.

“Cass!” A groggy female voice called out, then the back door slid open. Rubbing her eyes, a petite young woman with a boyish haircut stumbled out.

“Alexia!” Cassandra joyfully hugged her, too. “Hey, sweetie, what’s up?”

“My annoying big brother told me that you needed us,” Alexia answered, yawning. She gave Aimee a short wave. “Hey, I’m Alexia.”

“I’m Aimee,” Aimee answered, feeling strangely at home.

“So everyone get in the van before the nasties come looking for us and let’s get the hell outta here,” Benchley said, motioning to the open doorway.

Grabbing her messenger bag, Cassandra gave the motorcycle one last, lingering look.

Slipping her hand into Cassandra’s, Aimee nudged her with her shoulder. “We could steal it.”

“Nah. We don’t need a reminder of that tool,” Cassandra groused, her face darkening at the mention of Frank.

“I couldn’t agree more,” Aimee answered.

Alexia climbed into the passenger seat, leaving the back seat to Aimee and Cass. Once inside, Cassandra slammed the door shut and settled in beside Aimee.

“So, El Paso, then Dallas?” Benchley asked.

“Actually, I think it’s time for me to make a visit to Dr. Summerfield. So, Austin instead.” Cassandra clasped Aimee’s hand tightly. “We’re joining up.”

“Bad ass!” Alexia said, clapping her hands.

“Kick ass,” Benchley agreed, pulling the van out of the parking lot. “That’s awesome news.”

“Besides, I may need his help if my old broker, Scott, comes sniffing around. I’ve tried to keep my personal life on the down-low, but I’m worried about him possibly trying to find me.”

“And there’s a certain asshole vampire who likes to enslave innocent supernaturals as sex slaves that I’d like to see gone from the face of the planet,” Aimee added.

Cassandra gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “I’ll help you take him down.”

“I volunteer, too!” Alexia twisted around in the passenger seat. “I read up on him after your call to the Doc. That Francois guy is fucking twisted.”

“I go where the hot women go,” Benchley declared. “So lead on fearless hot leader.”

As Benchley and his sister fell into excited conversation about the possibility of killing Frank, Cassandra leaned toward Aimee. “I’m sorry you lost everything when you left.”

Aimee touched the gypsy-style tapestry bag. “Not everything. I managed to hold onto this. It’s incredibly important.”

Looking curious, Cassandra studied the purse. “It’s kinda cute.”