“My circle is formed. Let me finish.”

“What are you making? I can’t enter.” Frank held out a hand, then winced.

“It’s the herbs to repel the dhamphir.”

“Well, they’re repelling me and I don’t like it.”

“Frank, you know that the herbs I use aren’t always vampire-friendly.”

“I should burn that damn garden. I can’t even go out on the patio.” Frank was testy and growing increasingly agitated.

Aimee stilled herself, sitting quietly before her hearth, her head bowed. She hoped she looked submissive. With a sigh, she picked up two of the crystals, opening the circle.

“Get out here,” Frank ordered yet again.

Reeling in her power, Aimee shifted her weight so she could cover her spell ingredients with white cloths.

Frank snapped his fingers at her.

“I have to take care of my ingredients, Frank!”

“There’s that mouth again. Flapping at me, irritating me. Defying me!”

“I’m doing what you want!” Aimee shouted at him, losing her temper. Instantly, she knew she had made a mistake.

The vampire attempted to step into the room, but when thwarted by the spells Aimee had created, he motioned irritably to someone in the hallway. With a haughty expression, Frank stepped away from the doorway, straightening his jacket cuffs while Ivan barreled into the room. Aimee was sorely tempted to close the circle and defy Frank, but she knew it wouldn’t stop him. A circle could hold out interfering spiritual entities and even a physical assault, but it wouldn’t hold against a firearm. She’d witnessed Ivan shoot one of the blood minions in the leg for being in the house without a summons.

The mere fact she could contemplate such an act without it instantly being smothered by the bond to Frank startled her. She was breaking free of his influence and he knew it. Fear ripped through her as Ivan reached down and dragged her to her feet.

“Frank, I was obeying you,” she whimpered.

Ivan pulled her out of the remains of the circle, upturning some of the crystals. Fingers digging into her upper arm, Ivan shoved her toward Frank. The temptation to turn and blast the guard through the wall was nearly irresistible.

Snagging her around the waist, Frank ushered her down the long hallway. Her bare feet pattered against the cold stone tiles and her simple white dress fluttered around her ankles.

“I should have realized that you were slipping away,” Frank said in a terse voice. “I’m used to your little quirks, but the defiance in your eyes that usually turns me on has been turned up a few notches.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she lied.

Frank whirled her about and shoved her against the wall. Holding her in place with one hand pressed against her throat, he gazed at her through the red tinted lenses of his glasses. “It drives me crazy that I never feel I can totally possess you. I realize you’re a witch and it’s always been tricky with your kind.” Tightening his grip, Frank cocked his head to one side. “I admit I rather enjoy the fact that I feel like I’m always stalking you and you, my feisty prey, are just beyond my claws. But this...” He jabbed his finger toward her eyes, making her wince and clench them shut. “...this defiance just won’t do.”

“I was doing what you wanted. Making the spells to catch the dhamphir,” Aimee whispered.

Frank released her throat, but his hand closed on her wrist in a tight grip. Dragging her toward his bedroom, he shook his head. “Maybe you were, but I don’t have your heart, your mind.”

“Frank...” Aimee wailed, his sharp nails drawing blood.

The vampire entered his bathroom and turned on the water in the enormous black garden tub.

“Frank, please...” Aimee raised her free hand, summoning her magic. If she was breaking free of his influence maybe she could...

The water rushed into the tub, churning and foaming.

Feeling muddled and a little sick, Aimee lowered her hand. She couldn’t attack Frank. Hurt him. Destroy him. His blood was tangled up in her soul. “Frank,” she whispered.

Directing attention to her, Frank smirked. “Ah, maybe I still do have you.”

“Frank, please. I obey you,” she said, pleading.