“So you say.” Cassandra wished she could go back in time to the days when she and Jeff got into all sorts of terrible trouble while Dr. Summerfield looked on with affection. It had been a much better time in their relationship. She hated their usual argument about her joining his top secret vampire hunting society. “Anyway, I need to know one more thing.”

“What’s that?”

“Can dhamphir blood break a vampire bond?”

Dr. Summerfield’s face blanched. “Yes. Yes, it can. One of the many reasons why vampires want your kind dead.”

“Other than our tendency to kill our daddies?”

He nodded.

“Well, that settles it. I guess I’m going to go rescue a beautiful witch from a nasty old vampire and help her break the bond.”

“Be careful, Cassandra. The vampire has laid a trap and may exert more influence over the witch than we know.”

With a wide smile, Cassandra answered. “Well, I guess I’ll find out one way or the other.”

Amusement filling his voice, Dr. Summerfield teasingly said, “She must be very beautiful.”

“Oh, she’s totally hot. Smokin’! But even if she looked like Jabba the Hutt, I would rescue her. No woman should be enslaved against her will.” Cassandra shuddered at the thought.

“Yes, but there is a certain twinkle in your eyes that you reserve for the women who catch you

r eye.”

“Oh, she caught both of them,” Cassandra admitted.

Wearing the expression of a concerned older uncle, he said, “Be careful, Cassandra. Be very, very careful. Sometimes, the knight in shining armor gets eaten by the dragon.”

“Oh, I’m not a knight in shining armor,” Cassandra corrected him. “I’m the ninja sneaking up the back stairs.”

Chapter 12:

Entangled Further

The rich scent of incense filled the room as it slithered from the sticks burning near the cauldron. Aimee kneeled before the fireplace Frank had installed just for her. It was just big enough to fit her cauldron and light a low fire beneath its dark, bulky shape. At her side, the elements for her spells were laid out on a swatch of white cotton. The fragrance of the herbs mingled with the incense, giving the room a rich atmosphere.

Magic crackled along her skin while the crystals set around her in a circle glowed softly. Despite the growing warmth in the room, Aimee felt the breeze of her magic fluttering her hair and cooling her skin.

Aimee had been mixing all day and already a small cluster of spells sat in a big white ceramic bowl near the circle. Some were made entirely of dried herbs and were wrapped with white cotton thread. Others were liquid, and sloshed around in small stoppered vials. Seven empty cotton drawstring bags sat piled ready for the most powerful of her concoctions.

Drawing in a deep breath, Aimee held the air in her lungs, pulling her stomach in and holding her spine straight. Gradually, she exhaled, eyes closed, concentrating on the energies shimmering around her.

A smile upon her lips, she started to add ingredients to the white soapstone mortar resting on the hearth. Fingers tingling, she ground the herbs with the pestle, gently twisting her wrist as she infused her magic into the concoction.

The bedroom door slammed open, startling her. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Frank recoil as the incense hit him.

“Frank, I’m busy! You’re ruining this spell!” she yelled. The energy around her spiraled into chaos and she felt the spell dissipate. “Dammit. You did ruin it.”

“I don’t care. Get out here,” Frank ordered. “You’ve been in there all day according to Ivan. Now I want you out here with me.”

“I thought you wanted the spells ready for the dhamphir,” Aimee retorted.

Setting his hands on the door jamb, Frank glowered at her. “You know, you’ve been getting a little cocky lately.”

Licking her lips, Aimee tried to still the sudden panic swelling within her. “I just need to concentrate,” she said in a softer tone. “Interruptions ruin spells.”

Studying her, Frank shifted on his feet, resting a shoulder on the door, and folded his arms over his chest. It was a dangerous pose for him. It meant he was calculating something in his head. “Get out here.”