Lowering her eyes, the witch appeared to struggle with what to say next. Finally, she gazed at Cassandra through her lashes and whispered, “Your blood. It can break the bond. I’ve been studyi

ng up on your kind and that’s one of the effects of your blood. It destroys the vampire bond.”

“Oh.” Cassandra wasn’t too sure what to think of that development, but it was difficult for her to see the other woman in so much distress. It was obvious from the pained expression on Aimee’s face and her trembling hands that she was incredibly unhappy and afraid.

“Please, come,” Aimee whispered.

Withdrawing her hands, Cassandra stared at the chocolate ice cream melting in the bowl. “My name is Cassandra, Aimee.”

Tears flecking her lashes, Aimee smiled. “Cassandra. I like it.”

“I can’t promise you anything,” Cassandra said at last. “I’m not even sure any of this is real. And... I may be good in a fight, but taking on a vampire in his own haven is not something I’ve done before.”

“I understand.” Aimee pressed her lips together, nodding.

“Aimee,” Cassandra whispered, reaching out to grip her hand.

Tucking her hands out of sight on her lap, Aimee stared out the window. “Frank always says that I live in my own bubble. That he can never quite touch me. I’ve never reached out to anyone for help before.” With a soft sob, Aimee shook her head. “And I shouldn’t have now.” She slid out of the booth, her long skirt whispering over the vinyl.

Cassandra scrambled after her, but the witch moved so swiftly the door to the cafe slammed shut before she could reach her.

The strains of a PJ Harvey song woke Cassandra. Gasping, groggy, and disoriented, she flailed about until she found the cellphone.

“Hello,” she grunted.

“Cassandra, how is my favorite girl?” Scott’s voice asked.

“Okay. What’s up?” Rubbing her face, she slid up into a sitting position.

“I have a new job for you. A very lucrative one.”

A chill slid down Cassandra’s spine.


“Yes, it’s in West Texas outside of Marfa. Not that far from home for you.”

“Scott, you’ve obviously never been to Texas. I’m in East Texas. That’s over a day drive for me.”

“Oh. Well, anyway. It’s the procurement of a Chinese artifact. Our client would like it returned to his home country.”

“Is this a norm or a super?”

“Supernatural. The person possessing the relic is a vampire named Frank.”

Cassandra swallowed. “Frank?”

“Yes. Frank.”

“Kind of a stupid name for a vampire,” she said, the déjà vu hitting her hard.

“His name is really Francois,” Scott answered. “He’s French.”

“French, huh?” Wincing, she ran her fingers through her hair. The dream had been real. Shit.

“Yes, originally. What does it matter?”

“What’s the danger level on this?”