Nodding, but looking a little unsure, Cian answered, “There is a distinct possibility the answer is yes. ”

“But she’s defiant enough to astral project to Innocente and beg for help,” Alexia said, her finger tapping the table. “She wants our help. So if that’s true, we have to just deal with Rachon and whoever else she brings. ”

“You’re assuming that Rachon will not be able to rein her in,” Cian responded, slightly shaking his head. “We have to assume the worst. That Rachon will be able to control Bianca. We may have to kill them both. ”

There was a long silence.

“I think I have a problem killing someone that is asking for our help,” Alexia said at last.

“Me, too. It seems kind of shitty,” Samantha agreed.

Amaliya raked her fingers through her long hair and sighed. “I don’t want to kill her, Cian. She’s asking for help. He fucked Bianca up just like he did me. ”

“You’re making this a lot more complicated. ” Cian sighed.

Jeff tapped his fingers on the table. “Benchley, Eduardo, what do you think?”

“I’m with my sister. It seems like a dick move. ”

Eduardo shrugged. “I say kill her. She’s a danger to our pack. ”

Cian exchanged glances with Eduardo that indicated very clearly they were on the same page.

“You’re such an ass,” Alexia grunted.

“I’m a fine piece of ass,” Eduardo corrected her.

Jeff stared at the news

paper article in the book before him, his hand lightly stroking the page. “Fine. We try to save Bianca. It makes things harder, but…”

Cian’s snort indicated his contempt for the idea.

“If we’re allies, Cian, then we have a say in this, too. We’re not your minions,” Jeff said boldly, and was relieved when his voice didn’t crack.

Cian gave Jeff a terse nod.

“So we have to determine ahead of time what her powers might be. Benchley, you need to dive deep into our information on Bianca’s mother. Compile a list of her known abilities and then we’ll try to ascertain what we should be ready for. ”

Benchley inclined his head. “Okay. ”

“Alexia, please get all our gear in order. We’ll need the surveillance equipment and the van ready. Also, pull all the weapons and stock the van. ”

Alexia gave him a thumbs up.

“Eduardo, you might be the muscle, as you like to put it, but I need you to work with Amaliya. ” Jeff glanced at the shape shifter to see him grinning. “And, what I mean by that is please make sure you pour her blood in all the cemeteries in Austin every night. That’s how she can call the dead to her. Right?”

Amaliya nodded. “Yep. ”

Eduardo sighed. “I thought it would be more exciting than that. ”

Cian narrowed his eyes at the coyote. “I’ll need you to act as a guard the night we meet with Rachon. Think you can handle it?”

“I’ve eaten your kind on more than one occasion,” Eduardo said, shrugging. Fastening a charming smile on Amaliya, he said, “In many different ways. ”

Amaliya rolled her eyes, but looked amused.

“And what about me?” Samantha asked.