“I’ll report it as stolen. They’ll think vandals got to it. ”

There was a long pause. “Cian, I’m not your henchman. ”

The vampire had been waiting for that comment throughout the conversation. He was ready for it and said in a very firm, but gentle tone, “You agreed to help me keep the city in order just like your father did. ”

Another long pause lingered on the other end of the phone.

Cian expected that, too. Other than The Summoner, Jeff had truly never dealt with the dangerous aspects of the supernatural. He was well-read on the subject, but most of his dealings with otherworldly creatures had to do with incorporeal creatures, like ghosts and demons. Cian liked Jeff, but he wasn’t about to let the so-called vampire hunter off the hook. If Jeff wanted to live in Cian’s city, he would have to face the truth. The supernatural realm was dangerous and deadly, and Jeff was already tied to it.

As if Jeff was reading his mind, the mortal said, “Things are getting more dangerous now, aren’t they?”

“Yes,” Cian answered simply.

“You do realize most hunters don’t play nice with vampires. ”

“You do realize most vampires don’t allow hunters to live. ”

“Touché,” Jeff grumbled.

“Jeff, your father and I kept Austin safe from a lot of very dangerous creatures over the last thirty years. We worked very well together. That is why you don’t have to spend your days trying to figure out where the latest nasty is hiding while trying to determine the best way to kill it. We kept the city clean. So you get to have a nice bookstore, go on ghost hunts, and occasionally deal with an ornery spirit. You also get to date my ex-girlfriend, who I would truly like to see live a long and peaceful life. If you’re going to live in my city and muddle in the affairs of the supernatural realm, then you had best realize that working with me is your best chance of survival. Otherwise, I’ll ship you off somewhere else with your merry band of hunters and deal with this myself. Santos and Etzli are brutal killers and it was only a matter of time before they made their move. Do you understand?” His Irish brogue was thick and he felt both irritated and weary of the conversation already.

Jeff was very quiet on the other end, but Cian could hear him breathing.

“Time to stop playing vampire hunter and become one, Jeff. ”

There was a long exhalation before Jeff answered. “You’re right. I’m just. . . ”

“Scared shitless?” Cian offered.

Jeff laughed. “Yeah, exactly. ”

Amaliya stomped past Cian again, puffing away on a cigarette. Cian’s gaze tracked after her. Her dark looks mirrored his feelings on the situation.

“I have one more thing to tell you,” Cian said.

Jeff sighed. “Hit me with it. ”

“Rachon from New Orleans will be visiting the city. ”

“Are you shitting me?” Jeff’s voice raised an octave.

“No, I’m not. She may be my best chance to hold off Santos and Etzli. ”

“Or she might be coming to kill you. She was The Summoner’s favorite!”

“I am aware of all that. ”

Jeff exhaled angrily. “So what do you need from me?”

“We’ll talk tomorrow. ”

“Fine. Where?”

“Your shop. Midnight. Bring your crew. ”

“Fine. ”

“I’ll see you tomorrow then,” Cian said.