“We hid it when we realized what it could do. We didn’t want to hold onto it any longer than we had to. ” Aimee pulled her bronze colored hair back from her face, wrapping it into a bun and tucking the ends under to secure it. “A ring that can rip the veil is dangerous, but now there appears to be more than one. ”

Cassandra rushed up with two big bags and handed one off to the witch. “I got the energy bars, too. ”

“I’ll need them,” Aimee said glumly. “Sorry I won’t be much help when we get there. ”

“Just do it. We’ll handle the rest,” Cass assured her.

Aimee smiled as Cass kissed her lips lightly, then stepped away to let her do her task. The witch immediately started digging through her bag for the items she needed. “I’ll open a portal between here and the cemetery. I’ll need someone to help me focus the spell. Someone who has been there. ”

“I can do it,” Cian

assured her, squatting down to watch her work.

“Once the portal opens, everyone needs to get through as fast as possible. Cass, you need to drag my ass through. I’ll only be able to stay conscious around five seconds,” Aimee instructed.

“I’ll get you through,” Cassandra promised.

“I think we shouldn’t go straight to the cemetery, but the hotel nearby,” Cian suggested. “They probably shouldn’t see us coming. ”

“Agreed. ” Cass opened up the second bag and started to strap on weapons. “Need some, Dad?”

Cian narrowed his eyes at her and she gave him a delighted grin. “I have what I need, Cassandra. ”

“He already sounds like a dad,” Aimee noted with a slight smile.

Cassandra lifted her eyes. “Great. ”

“Got her!” Eduardo said triumphantly, dragging Amaliya behind him.

“I need to get a car and get out there!” Amaliya protested angrily. “Cian, I have to go!”

“We have it covered, Amaliya. The witch—”

“Aimee,” Cassandra cut in tersely.

“—will open a portal directly to the cemetery,” Cian explained.

“Very World of Warcraft,” Benchley said, grinning.

Alexia knelt next to Aimee helping her sort her magical items. “Shut up, Benchley. ”

“Are you sure?” Amaliya asked, worried.

Aimee lifted her head, gave her a lopsided grin. “Oh, yeah. I’m sure. I’m pretty impressive, if I say so myself. ”

Cian wrapped his arm around Amaliya’s waist and gazed into her frightened eyes. “It’ll be fine. ”

“My grandmother. . . ” Amaliya whispered. “My cousin. . . Pete. . . they could die. ”

“We’ll get there soon,” Cian promised. “We’ll stop whatever Rachon is planning. ”

Cian pulled Amaliya away from where Aimee began to draw a large circle using a bag of white salt. His gaze met Cassandra’s for a moment and the sardonic expression that lingered in her eyes since they met was now gone. He promised himself that once they survived whatever the night would bring he would find the right time to speak with Cassandra. His vampire nature and human nature battled within him, one side demanding her death, another thrilled at the prospect of fatherhood. As if sensing his internal war, Cassandra lightly tapped her stake and smiled at him.

Holding Amaliya close, Cian comforted her as they waited for the witch to weave her magic.

* * *

Samantha and Jeff crouched down, making their way through the overgrown field toward the old farmhouse and the graveyard. They had seen a car park alongside the road and then its headlights had flicked off just as the back doors opened. Jeff had hit the ground, hauling Samantha down with him, and they had waited in silence for the occupants to pass by. Curled up together, they had listened to the grass rustle around them, but never sensed the passing of the newcomers.