“So there are more than the two rings?” Cian arched his eyebrows at the same time his daughter did.

Cassandra took back the picture of the ring from Cian and handed it back to Aimee. “Yep. We were shocked to find out about ring number two, though Amaliya here just confirmed its existence. We were coming here to talk to Jeff about the ring when one of our people got a lead about the ring and Ethan Logan. They said he was tracking down Amaliya and that there had been the mention of a ring. ”

“How do you know we don’t have the ring?” Cian asked.

“Neither one of you is wearing it,” Cass answered. “And if you possessed this ring, you’d be wearing it. Its power is addicting. When I held it in my hand…” She shivered. “Aimee felt it, too. That ring has some major mojo infused into it. ”

“The Summoner is dead. I killed him. The ring is somewhere in a graveyard, buried forever,” Amaliya said confidently.

“Oh, fuck,” Alexia gasped. “That’s why they’re digging up his remains! To get the ring! Not to turn Amaliya back to mortal!”

“This isn’t good,” Benchley said nervously. “This isn’t good at all. ”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Amaliya said sharply.

“Ethan Logan is with Pete Talbert, Sergio, and Innocente out in Fenton digging up the pieces of The Summoner,” Benchley blurted out. “Cynthia called Jeff today when she couldn’t get a hold of Sergio. Jeff and Samantha drove out there earlier to see what was really going on. Ethan told all of them he has a ritual to restore Amaliya to mortal, but that he needed The Summoner’s remains!”

“The distraction!” Cian roared the words, anger flooding him. “Rachon is after the ring! She hired Ethan Logan! She never wanted us to begin with. She just wanted us distracted while they used Amaliya’s family to get to the ring!”

Amaliya shoved past the group and broke into a sprint.

“Amaliya!” Cian called after her.

“I have to get to my family!” Amaliya disappeared into the trees.

“They’re in Fenton! You can’t run there!” Benchley shouted after her.

“Who does she think she is? Wonder Woman?” Cass scoffed.

“If they’re in the cemetery right now digging up his remains, they’ll have the ring soon, if they don’t already. Those rings are dangerous,” Aimee exclaimed, gripping Cassandra’s arm.

“It’ll take a couple of hours to get there,” Benchley exclaimed.

“So why don’t you fly!” Cassandra flung up her hands at Cian.

“I can fly, but not that far,” he answered defensively.

“I can get us there,” Aimee said in somber tone.

“Babe,” Cass said, worried.

“I can do it. It’ll severely drain me, but I can do it. ” The witch raised her chin confidently.

“We need to get Amaliya back here. ” Cian wondered how far she had gotten and just what she was planning on doing. Running there? Stealing a car?

“I’ll go get her,” Eduardo volunteered.

“Do it,” Cian ordered.

The coyote dashed after the female vampire, looking a little too gleeful.

“Get my stuff, Cass” Aimee said to Cassandra.

Cass squeezed her hand, then dashed off.

“We are parked near here,” Aimee explained. She rubbed her hands together nervously.

“What happened to the ring you stole?” Cian asked.