Nightfall came too soon. Even though Amaliya was now well fed, she didn't feel ready to face The Summoner. As the sun descended, she felt her body growing more alert and she welcomed the feeling. They knew The Summoner would be coming soon and they had prepared the best they could.

Samantha was on her feet and her wound was nearly completely healed. She was stronger, much to everyone's relief. There was an uneasy truce between them now and she could tell Samantha was uncomfortable with what had passed between them. Amaliya wasn't a fool. The pleasure she had felt had gone both ways and it made them awkward with each other.

Innocente had pulled out some granola bars from the tote bag she kept clutched at her side and the mortals had eaten. There was actually a pump in the kitchen and Sergio managed to get the water to run clear after a few minutes. Everyone looked bedraggled and anxious and Amaliya didn't blame them.

They gathered in the bedroom where Cian slept in the closet to prepare for The Summoner's arrival. They had talked about trying to feed Cian as well, but instinctively Amaliya knew his wounds were too dire and he would need her blood. And she could not risk her blood until The Summoner was vanquished.

Samantha and Jeff seemed cozier than they both realized and Amaliya watched them thoughtfully as they took up their positions. Samantha was clutching a baseball bat tightly and Jeff had a machete. Sergio had a piece of wood with rusty nails beat into one end of it like a makeshift mace. He had expended all his bullets trying to shoot his way through the crowd of the dead. Innocente had a machete in one hand and her tote bag over her shoulder. Amaliya was sure The Summoner would hate the Virgin of Guadalupe t-shirt her grandmother wore. It made her shiver every time she drew near it.

As she felt the sun about to slide down under the horizon, she knelt down beside Cian. Her hand rested on his chest and she waited.

He took a deep breath and his eyes flashed open. It was not a good sign that his teeth were sharp and cruel behind his lips. His hands lashed out and gripped her tightly. Those beautiful hazel eyes were full of hunger and desperation. His gaze darted over the room beyond Amaliya.

“Where are we?” he hissed.

“We escaped, but we're trapped in a house with about a hundred dead things outside. Oh, yeah, Samantha is here with a vampire hunter, my cousin and my grandmother,” Amaliya said.

“I think I missed a lot,” Cian said as he visibly tried to control himself.

Amaliya helped him stand and he leaned heavily against her.

“He's coming now, you know?” she said.

“I will do what I can,” Cian answered. He pushed free from her and steadied himself a

gainst the wall.

Samantha awkwardly raised her hand and waved at him.

He smiled at her slightly and looked to Amaliya. His fingers barely brushed hers and Amaliya had to respect his discretion. She knew he wanted to bury his fangs into her and feed.

“How much longer?” Sergio wondered.

“If Cian is up it shouldn't be-”

The ceiling collapsed. Everyone shouted and dove backward away from the falling rotted boards and shingles. The Summoner landed in their midst and stood brushing off his Armani trench coat.

“Ah, how lovely. This should be delightful fun. ”

Amaliya stepped toward him and had no freaking clue what to do next. “Yeah, well, fuck off. ” Her voice sounded surprisingly firm.

The Summoner smiled at her cruelly. “Let us play. ”

“Yeah, let's,” Sergio said, and swung his mace straight at the vampire's head.

The Summoner easily ducked under it and with a thrust of one hand sent Sergio crashing into the wall.

Samantha bravely tried to take advantage of this moment and swung her bat full force at The Summoner's head. He caught it in one hand and used it to sling her into Sergio. Her scream was abruptly cut off as she landed hard.

Jeff went low and managed to strike The Summoner right below the knee with his machete. His moment of triumph was short lived when The Summoner simply reached out and shoved him off his feet. Jeff flew backward and crashed into a pile of debris.

Cian and Amaliya attacked together, teeth bared. Cian managed to get in a few hard blows, his actions a blur. The Summoner fell back and Amaliya attacked him from behind, her nails ripping through his coat and flesh. With an angry shout, he began to fight both his offspring simultaneously, his movements too fast for even the vampires to track. Cian managed to deflect a few blows, but then The Summoner's long nails caught his throat and ripped it open. Blood gushing from the wound, Cian staggered back and collapsed at the mouth of the closet.

With a scream of rage, Amaliya punched The Summoner hard in the face a few times before he caught her by her neck. Lifting her off the ground, he held her firmly as she thrashed in his grip. She managed to kick him a few times before he slammed her through the wall behind her. Pain filled her and blood flowed into her eyes. Then he dragged her back through the debris of the wall and shoved her down hard onto the floor at his feet.

“Do not defy me,” he hissed.

Her nails clawed at his hand as his fingers dug in harder. Her blood flowed over his hand and down her front as he crushed her throat.