“A state senator?”

“Running for US Congress,” he said.

“Hmm. Win your seat, then I’ll consider it. Come with me, Flash.” Ms. Lalwani waved her hand and walked away.

“Well,” Dean Asher said. “That went better than I expected. Good luck with her.” He paused to kiss Flash’s cheek on his way down the stairs. “Put in a good word for me.”

“Better go talk to the lady,” Ian said. “I don’t think she’s the sort who likes to be kept waiting.”

“She’s so famous.”

“I’ve never heard of her.”

“You’ve also never seen Flashdance. She married an American billionaire, and he died and now she’s, like, the most famous art collector in the world. And her gallery is known for launching important young artists. I am...” She started to spike up her hair but Ian stopped her.

“Stay calm. You got this,” he said.

“Tell your dad I said thank you,” Flash said,

“I absolutely will. I told you that you were good.”

“You did. But there’s a big difference between knowing you’re good and knowing you’re good enough,” she said.

“You’re good enough,” he said. “You’re incredible.”

She kissed him again for love and for luck, and she knew she’d have plenty of both as long as they were together.

“Okay, go knock ’em dead,” he said.

“I can do that.” She let go of his hand and started up the stairs. “It’s just so embarrassing, you know.”

“What is?”

“I met the most important gallery owner in the region, and the entire time we were talking about art, my boyfriend’s fly was down.”

“It was? Shit.” Ian looked down at his pants and up at her with a scowl. A very sexy scowl.

Flash laughed and laughed all the way up the stairs.

“Made you look!”

* * * * *

Read on for an extract from RESCUE ME by Kira Sinclair.

Rescue Me

by Kira Sinclair


THE KENTUCKY ROSE looked like a good time.

Or what he was supposed to think was a good time. But that wasn’t what had brought Finn McAllister out to the popular honky-tonk on a Friday night.

He could still see the drawn face of Sergeant Freeman lying in that hospital bed. The pallor of his skin as he’d explained where he’d bought the drugs that had landed him in the ER. From a woman at this bar.

The man had a long road ahead of him. Not just dealing with the physical aftermath of ODing and the legal consequences that would come with it, but the emotional issues that had the airman turning to illegal drugs for relief in the first place. It was a story Finn had seen all too often over the years.