“That’s it. You’re moving in with me,” he said as he quickly untied her hands, cleaned his semen off her and tossed her the panties he found under the bed.

“Is that an order?” She looked back over her shoulder at him. She was naked from the waist down and her pussy was dripping with his come. It was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen in his life. Therefore he answered her in the only way his heart and cock would allow him to answer that question.

“Yes. That’s an order.”

“And I have to obey it?’

“Absolutely. You have no choice.”

She pulled her underwear on, dragged on her jeans with a little hop step and ran her hands through her hair.

“No,” she said, and walked out of the bedroom to deal with Mrs. Scheinberg.

“Okay, take your time. Think it over.”

Ian rolled onto his side and came face-to-face with Bob Ross and his big green eyes.

“Hey,” Ian said. “What’s up?’

Bob Ross turned onto his back, four paws dangling in the air.

“So...we should get to know each other. We’re going to be roommates someday.”

Bob Ross looked up sharply as if he’d heard a noise.

“Yeah, I know she said she’s not moving in with me, but she’ll change her mind, right?”

Bob Ross looked dubious. Then again, didn’t all cats always look a little dubious?

“Be straight with me, Bob Ross. You know her pretty well,” Ian said. “What do you think I should do to get her to agree to move in with me?”

Bob Ross turned onto his side and started licking his own crotch.

Ian nodded, impressed by the cat’s understanding of the situation.

“Good thinking.”

Flash came back into the room and stood in the doorway with her arms crossed over her chest.

“Mrs. Scheinberg has a message for you,” Flash said.

“What’s the message?”

“She says, ‘Well done.’”

Ian crossed his legs at the ankles and threaded his fingers together behind his head.

“I aim to please.”

“She thought we were fucking, but she also sort of thought you were stabbing me to death.”

“Not my fault you’re a screamer.”

“If you hadn’t been here, I wouldn’t have been screaming. Therefore it’s your fault.”

“No, it’s your fault for living here when you could live with me.”
