She nodded. “I hadn’t thought of that.”

“It’s how I mounted the flat screen on the wall at my place.”

“Good idea. Until then we can use the rope that’s under my bed,” she said.

“You have rope under your...never mind. Not asking. Stay.”

She stayed. He pulled an eight-foot length of black rope out from under the bed.

“Suggestions?” he asked.

“Loop it around the bed leg.”

“Genius.” He looped it around the leg and pulled it up to the mattress, grabbed Flash by her wrists and tied them together with a neat camping knot he hadn’t used since his Boy Scout days. “How’s that?”

“Pretty good,” she said, testing the ropes, and they held her arms fast to the bed above her head. “But now I want to try mounting bondage brackets into my wall.”

“You can later. I’m mounting you first.”

“If you—”

He entered her with one hard deep thrust.

“Insist,” she gasped as her eyes closed with pleasure and opened again with desire.

Ian laughed softly and kissed her throat with warm wet nibbling kisses, her favorite kind.

“I insist,” he said into her ear, and she shivered all around him. They were panting already, so eager for sex that foreplay went flying right out the window. Flash put her heels into the mattress and lifted her hips, riding his cock from below him. He watched her face as he fucked her, watched her pupils dilate, watched her pale cheeks flush and her eyelids grow heavy. He loved watching her while he was inside her. There was no better show on earth. When he thrust in, her head tilted back, baring her throat to him. When he pulled back to the tip, she lifted her head as if seeking him out. In again and her eyelashes fluttered, her lips parted and she moaned.

He set a steady pace—not too fast, not too slow—and pumped into her warm wet hole. Moments like this he imagined he could spend the rest of his life inside this woman. A lock of sweat-streaked red hair fell over her eyes and he pushed it out of the way for her since her hands were tied. She turned her head into his hand and kissed his palm. His pushed his thumb into her mouth and she sucked on it while he increased the pressure, pounding into her until the bed moaned as loudly as she did.

He pushed her T-shirt up to her neck again, baring her breasts. He latched on to her right nipple and sucked deeply and possessively. Her body was his, all his... It was so easy to play at being her boss in bed and out of bed, but there was no denying it—he was entirely in her power, under her spell and her command. But she wanted him to be in charge, so he took charge as a gift to her and because her submission was a gift to him that it gave her pleasure to give. He would have told her all of that if he could have, but his heart pounded wildly in his chest, his lungs burned, his thighs burned and everything burned all because of her.

“Ian...” She said his name for no reason and he didn’t ask what she wanted, because he knew what she wanted—him. So that’s what he gave her.

He wrapped his arms around her body, clutching her to his chest as he rode her with his final thrusts. He wasn’t going to last much longer and neither was she. He could already feel her vagina clenching around his cock, squeezing and releasing, pulling and contracting.

“Come when I come,” he ordered. “Not until then.”

She nodded, too breathless to speak. He loved trying to control her orgasms. It was like trying to tame a tiger in that it was nearly impossible and would probably get him killed one of these days.

But what a way to go...

Ian dug his hand into her hair, cradling the back of her head, forcing her to meet his eyes. With their gazes locked on to each other, he lengthened his thrusts as she tilted her hips to meet every last one of them. It was all heat where they joined and unbearably delicious tension. He gave and he gave and she took and she took. She let out a little sound, a cry almost like pain, and he knew she couldn’t hold back anymore. Neither could he.

“Now, Veronica,” he said as he finally let go of his self-control. His come shot out of him in hard spurts deep inside her while she came all around him, shuddering and shivering with a loud cry that died on her lips and turned into the faintest weary gasp.

He sunk down on top of her, relaxing completely as she wrapped her naked legs around his back, holding him to her and in her.

“I am crazy about you,” he panted. “If you hadn’t noticed.”

“I noticed,” she said breathlessly.

“Good. Very good.” With a groan he rolled off her and onto his back. It was then that two things happened at once. A ball of gray fur landed on his face and someone knocked loudly at the door.

“Veronica, dear? Are you all right?” came Mrs. Scheinberg’s voice through the door. Another series of nervous knocks followed. “Veronica—I heard screaming.”

“Told you so,” Flash said with a sigh.