“Is he cute? Is he well-hung? I’m shallow enough to admit that’s important.”


“Does he like me or is he just using me for sex? I hope he’s just using me for sex. I don’t want to break his heart, but I’m already in a serious relationship.”

Flash had no choice but to sink under the surface of the water in the hopes of drowning. She lasted all of one second under the water before her face nearly melted off from the heat and she resurfaced.

“He is using me for sex, isn’t he? I knew it,” Ian said with a sigh.

“You are the most annoying man I’ve ever wanted to have sex with right now,” she said, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

“Too late. I’m stage one again.”

“What? That was fast.”

“I can’t help it,” he said with a shrug. “You were talking about my father and it wilted.”

She put her feet flat on the hot tub floor and stood up, showing him her naked body dripping with water and illuminated from behind by the deck light.

“That’s helping,” he said. He reached for her again and she stepped back out of his grasp.

“No touching,” she said. “Not until you at least pretend to take me seriously for a few seconds. It’s all I ask.”

/> “I’m taking you very seriously,” Ian said. “You’re my girlfriend and I’m wild about you. I think you’re amazing and sexy and amazingly sexy. I want to spend a lot of time getting to know you, hanging out with you, being with you in bed and out of bed. And in hot tub and out of hot tub. Clothed and naked. All of that.”

“This sounds very good to me.”

“Good. I don’t want to be worrying every time we’re out in public together that you don’t feel like you belong with me just because my father has a lot of money. It’s his thing, not my thing. After my mother died, he threw himself into work. He was making millions while I was making those stupid handprint turkeys for Thanksgiving and cardboard Christmas trees covered in cotton balls. Dad’s work has nothing to do with me other than he owns the company I work for.”

“Don’t pretend he’s not planning on your taking over the empire.”

“He wants that, yes. And he’s planning on leaving me his money. But—believe it or not—I love my father. I even like the guy most of the time. I’m really hoping I don’t see a penny of the Asher money for decades. I want him to live a very long time and he probably will. My grandfather is still alive, and he’s in his late seventies. The Ashers have good genes.”

“You move in very different circles than I do. Can you deny that?”

“I go to Dad’s corporate functions and campaign fundraisers when he asks me to go. I’d like you to come with me when I go to them but I won’t make you. They’re boring, but they’ll be less boring if you’re there.”

“You won’t feel weird being at some big fancy campaign fundraiser with me on your arm?”

“No. Weird is not the word. Erect is the word. Which gets us back to the idea of men wearing the fluffy skirts in public.”

“I’m picturing you in a poodle skirt. It’s very...arousing.”

“Speaking of arousing...this is very adorable of you.” He waved his finger in a circle in her general direction.


“You being nervous about dating me. I’ve spent the last year and a half being slightly terrified of you. It’s nice to know I make you a little nervous, too.”

“It’s not nervousness. I have pride, Ian.”

“Really? I hadn’t noticed.”

She flicked water at him. It went right up his nose. Score.

“I have pride and I’m not going to take it well if your father’s friends treat me differently than they treat you. You understand what I’m saying? I’m not going to stand by silently while your dad’s friends talk to you and ignore me.”

“Knowing some of Dad’s friends they’ll ignore me and hit on you.”