
can do both at the same time,” he said as he pulled off his long-sleeved black T-shirt and pushed his jeans to the floor. He covered his crotch with his hands.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Don’t look at it. It’s not ready yet.”

She threw back her head and laughed. Ian pulled her to him while she was still laughing and kissed her. He had this amazing gift for making her laugh and an even more amazing gift for making her stop laughing on a dime. His kisses were nuclear. They split her open down to her atoms. She melted when he kissed her like this, melted and burned. His tongue tasted like pure heat and his lips whispered words into her mouth, words like “Yes...” and “You want this...” and yes, she did want it. She wanted it all as long as it was coming from him. Slowly he pulled back from the kiss.

“Okay,” he whispered against her lips. “Now it’s ready.”

“Can I look?”

“If you can catch me.”

“Catch you?”

Ian darted away from her and to the door that led to the deck and the hot tub. She’d never seen a naked man run so fast. Nor had she ever heard a grown man squeal in that particular high-pitched manner when his feet hit the snow on the deck.

Nothing to do but follow him. As soon as her bare feet hit the deck she knew why he was running and squealing.

“Fuck!” she screamed when her toes touched snow.

“Run, Flash, run!” Ian called to her as he jumped over the side of the hot tub and into the water.

“It’s too cold to run.”

“Run, anyway!”

“I hate you!” She didn’t hate him but yelling it made her feel better. She raced and skidded across the deck to the hot tub and Ian reached out and pulled her over the side and into the water.

She sunk immediately down into the water all the way up to her ears. With her eyes closed she simply let herself absorb the water’s heat deep into her body. One by one all her muscles relaxed.

“Do you still hate me?” Ian asked as he wrapped her in his arms and pulled her naked body against his naked body. She twined her legs around his waist, her arms around his neck.

“So fucking much.”

She kissed him so he knew she didn’t mean it. She shouldn’t have worried. His cock was already hard against her stomach. She reached between their bodies and stroked it slowly, exploring every ridge and every vein and every beautiful inch of it.

“Are you having fun down there?” he asked, a wide grin on his face. His words turned to steam as he spoke.

“I am. You’re very hard. It’s flattering.”

“You should be flattered. I don’t get stage-three wood in a hot tub very often.”

“Stage-three wood? There are stages?”

“There are stages.”

“Tell me of these stages while I play. I’m already fascinated,” she said as she squeezed him with one hand and cupped his testicles with the other. His mouth fell open slightly and he took a quick breath. Could he be any sexier? It made her weak sometimes. She hated being weak, yet she loved being with Ian so she was either going to have to get rid of Ian or get used to feeling like this all the time.

Ian pressed a soft kiss under her ear. Okay, maybe she could get used to it.

“Stage one,” he said. “Flaccid.”


“Right? But it’s the default position. We like boring in public. If the world made sense men would wear fluffy skirts for boner camouflage and women would wear pants.”