“Well, I’m only twenty-six and I feel ninety-six.”

“Did you ski, too?”

“No, I worked on your fucking fireplace screen all day. It’s done, by the way.”

“Oh,” he said. “Thank you?”

“Don’t thank me. Just share the floor. Scoot over.”

“I hurt too much to scoot.”

Flash put her booted foot on his hip and pushed, sliding Ian two feet to the left.

“I didn’t give you splinters, did I?” she asked as she dropped to the floor and stretched out on her back.

“I sanded the shit out of this floor before I refinished it. It is as smooth as Al Green’s voice.”

“That’s pretty smooth.”

“It’s going to be very hard to fuck you if I can’t move,” Ian said with a sigh. “And I was really looking forward to fucking you.”

“It’s okay. We can fuck later.”

“I’m going to think about fucking you,” he said, and put one hand over his eyes. “That I can do. My brain is the only part of me that doesn’t hurt.”

“Are you doing it?” she asked.

“Yeah. Totally doing it. Damn, I’m good. I have excellent technique,” Ian said.

“Just tell me when I come so I know.”

“You’re almost there. Almost. Al...most...there... You came. Then I came immediately after. Whew.” Ian dropped his hand from his face to his chest. “Wow. I hope it was as good for you as it was for me.”

“Better. You fucked me so hard and so good I can’t move.”

“I’m an animal.” Ian made a little growling sound and Flash laughed so hard she groaned from the muscle pain in her back. “Ready for round two?”

“Not yet. I need more time to recover. But I admire your stamina.”

“You know what might make us feel better?” Ian asked as he flopped onto his side not unlike a fish on land.


“Even better than morphine.”


“I was thinking more along the lines of something not incredibly dangerous and illegal.”


“The hot tub. We could take off all our clothes and get into my hot tub. What do you think?”

“I think I’d rather have the Vicodin.”

“You really don’t like hot tubs? I thought you were kidding.”

“They make me nervous.”