“Why? Is it because—”

“Because you and I fucked? No. Don’t flatter yourself.”

“I didn’t...” He sighed. “I’m not flattering myself. I know you weren’t thrilled with how I handled the situation.”

“You dumped me after one night and said you couldn’t date an inferior.”

“I didn’t say that. I said I was your superior and therefore could not date you. You remember that part about me being your boss?”

“Only for two more weeks.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I got a new job. A better job.”

“Better? Better than here?”

She almost rolled her eyes.

“Yes, Ian, believe it or not, some people, like, oh...women, for example, might not consider working with nothing but men the ideal workplace scenario. I like the guys. We get along okay. But I like women. I would like to have some in my life. I would also like to have a job where I don’t weld all day and then go home and weld some more for my other life. You can’t blame me for that.”

“I don’t, no. You’ve stuck it out here longer than anyone thought you would.”

“I had to fight tooth and nail to earn the respect of the crew. I’m a little tired of fighting to be treated like a human being. You can’t blame me for that, either.”

“No.” Ian nodded. “So...where are you going?”

“You know Clover Greene? Runs the nursery down the highway?”

“Yeah, Clover’s great. I bought my Weedwhacker from her.”

“I’m her new assistant manager. The pay is the same as what I make here but the hours will be better, the work not as backbreaking. I don’t like going home too tired to sculpt. I’ve been putting my art career on the back burner too long. I don’t want to do that anymore. Something had to give,” she said.

“Your art’s important to you,” he said. “I appreciate that. I hate to lose you. We’re not going to find another welder as good as you.”

“You will. But you won’t find one as fun as me.”

“You put truck nuts on my bumper to punish me for telling you we couldn’t keep sleeping together.”

“So? It was just a prank.”

“You didn’t hang them on my bumper. You welded them on my bumper. Giant. Metal. Testicles.”

“Your truck needed a new bumper, anyway, and you know it.”

“Flash...” She could tell he wanted to say something but wouldn’t let himself say it. Well, she knew how he felt. She’d wanted to say something for six months now. If only she could weld her mouth shut.

“You’re welcome,” she said.

“Wait, I didn’t thank you for anything.”

“I assumed you were going to thank me for leaving. I know I’ve been a...” She paused, searched for the right word. “A complicated employee. I know you’ll be more comfortable at work with me gone.”

“I’d rather be uncomfortable and have you here.”

“I’d rather work for a woman I respect.?
