“So that’s a yes,” Ian said. Still...it didn’t hurt to find out for himself, firsthand. He touched the lips of her vagina and found them hot and swollen to the touch. Gently he teased them with light touches before spreading them apart and looking at her hole. He ran one fingertip around her, feeling the wetness, how slick she was, how hot and ready for him.

“Please, Ian,” she said. She’d buried her face in her crossed arms on the pillow on his bed but he could hear the desperation in her voice loud and clear.

“Please what?” he asked. “Please this?” He pushed two fingers deep inside her. The sound that came out of her shook the rafters. He wanted to hear it again so he spread his fingers apart inside her, opening her wide. Again she made that sound, the combination of a sigh and a groan. He spread her open again, feeling her inner muscles clenching and contracting as he touched sensitive spots inside her. He pushed in as deep as he could with the tips of his two fingers, making her feel him in the pit of her stomach, making her feel things she’d only ever feel with him so that even if she left him, ran away from him and this—whatever it was—she would remember how he made her feel and she would come back to him to feel it again and again and again because he was the one man who could give it to her.

Flash gave a little cry as he pushed in a third and fourth finger into her body. He felt the muscles twitch and flinch around his hand.


“Tell me what you want.”

“I need to come so much it hurts.”

“You need my cock.” Not a question, a statement of fact. She didn’t dispute it.


“I like it when you need my cock this much. But if I give it to you, then you won’t want it anymore when I’m done.”

“I can promise you this—I’ll always want it.”

He took his cock in his hand and pressed it against her wet cleft but didn’t enter her. That would be too easy for her, too quick to give her what she wanted. Instead he simply let her feel it. She pushed her hips back against him and his eyes briefly rolled back in his head at the unexpected rush of electric pleasure that ran from his cock up his spine and down again. He nearly lost control and slammed all eight inches of him into her right then and there.

“You make me want to do very bad things to you,” he said.

She laughed softly, seductively. He nearly came from that sound alone.


“You’re a bad influence on me,” he said, rubbing the throbbing tip of his penis against her labia.

“Oh, no. What if your daddy tells us we can’t play together anymore?”

“There are worse things in life than being an orphan.”

When she tried to laugh, Ian stopped her by sticking his fingers in her again. The laugh turned to a gasp. She buried her face in her arms again and made soft noises as he stroked her inside. He couldn’t get enough of her. When he took his fingers out he licked her wetness off them. She tasted both sweet and bitter and Ian knew, before long, he would bury his tongue inside her to taste every drop.

But first he had to fuck her or they were both going to die from the need.

He left her bent over the bed to retrieve the condoms from the side table drawer.

“You keep handcuffs in there, too?” Flash asked.

“No. Should I?”

“Just trying to figure out what to get you as a Hanukkah gift.”

Ian walked to her, laid his hand on her lower back and stroked her from the base of her spine to her neck and down again.

Ian pulled off his T-shirt and yanked down his jeans, kicking them to the corner of the room where he hoped they would remain for all night. Even better, all year.

He rolled on the condom and opened her up again with his fingers. She pushed back against his hand again, signaling how much she wanted him. As if he didn’t know already.

“Crawl forward on the bed,” he said. “But stay on your stomach.”

She did as he instructed, lying prone on his black sheets. He grabbed his thickest pillow and lifted her up by the hips, placing it under her pelvis.

“Comfortable?” he asked.