“Just got home from picking it up. Did you get the stuff for the drinks?”

She held up a large brown paper bag. “Pfft. Duh!” Turning to look at Jace, she made a shoo-ing motion with her hand. “You can go now, slave.”

He rolled his eyes, but smiled as he looked at me. “Call me if she gets too trashed. Otherwise I’ll be back at eleven.”

“See you then!”

After kissing my cheek, he grabbed Kinlee’s cheeks in his hands and kissed her hard. “Call me ‘slave’ again and see who doesn’t get that thing she likes tonight.”

Kinlee whined, “Babe! That’s not fair, you promised!”

“I think I just threw up,” I whispered.

“You gonna call me ‘slave’ again?”

“No,” she said and pouted.

“Then start counting down the hours until I—”

“I’m still standing here!” I yelled, cutting Jace off. “Still losing my appetite rapidly. Please leave.”

He laughed loudly and with another quick kiss to Kinlee’s forehead, turned and headed toward his truck.

“Y’all disgust me,” I said when he left.

Kinlee looked at me with a mischievous gleam in her eyes. “Well, he sure doesn’t disgust me.”

“Oh, my God! We’re done talking about this. Mexican food. Margaritas. Movie. No more thinking about you and Jace.”

She shrugged as we walked toward the kitchen. “You could always join us.”

I stopped walking and my jaw dropped. “Kinlee!”

“Oh, my God, you need to see your face!” she somehow managed to say between hard laughs. “Aw, Kace, you know I’m joking. But that was too perfect an opportunity to pass up—I had to say it. And your expres

sion just shows me it was so worth it.”

I gagged and thought about anything other than Kinlee and Jace’s sex life. “Just make the freaking margaritas.”

Hours later, we had eaten way too much, were already well into being drunk, had finished one movie, and for whatever reason had thought it would be amazing to make our own choreography to songs.

“I need to sit! I need water, and I need to sit.” When I realized I was already on the couch, I laughed. “Okay, maybe just water.”

Kinlee flopped onto the couch and laid her head on my lap. “We’re amazing at that, don’t you think? I think we’re amazing. No one can dance like we can. We’re amazing.”

“Say ‘amazing’ again.”

“Amazing!” she yelled and attempted what I think was the running man . . . while lying down.

“I can’t move! I have never in my life been so tired.”

Kinlee quickly rolled onto her stomach and then up on her knees. “Kace! Where in the mother effing world are you from?”

I laughed and fell back into the cushions. “Why?”

She flipped her hair back and grabbed the glasses off my face before putting them on her own. “I have naverrrr, in mah lahfe . . . been so tard.”

Grabbing my glasses, I put them back on my face. “I don’t sound like that!”