
August 1, 2015

PRESSING MY LIPS to Brody’s cheek two days later, I laughed softly against his skin when he reached for my waist and kissed him again before moving away from his searching fingers.

“Mmm, nu-uh. Come back,” he mumbled into the pillow.

“I have to go to the shop. I’ll see you later.”

He propped himself up on one elbow, and I had to force myself to stay away from him. I wake up, and I look like I got in a fight with a Weedwacker. Brody wakes up and looks like he’s ready for a photo shoot. Asshole.

“Do you want me to come help you?”

I laughed and pulled on my Converses. “You mean, do I want you to come and eat everything I make?”

“Basically, yeah.”

“If you want, you can. But I need to leave right now, so you’d have to bring your own car.”

As Brody crawled out of the bed, I stopped tying my shoelaces. My body warmed, and I might have started chewing on the inside of my cheek, but I couldn’t be sure of anything anymore, other than the sight of him naked and what I wanted to do to him.

“Are you sure you don’t want to be a little late and help me get ready?” he said softly into my ear, his gravelly voice making my already unsteady breathing even more ragged.

“You don’t play fair,” I whimpered when he made a trail down my neck.

“Never claimed to. And I want you in the shower . . . now, Kamryn.”

Just as I started to say, “Okay,” my phone started ringing and I jerked back. “Shit! Kinlee! I’m supposed to pick up Kinlee today.” Brody grumbled his dislike, and I laughed as I grabbed his head and brought it down to kiss him soundly. “I’ll see you when you get to the shop.”

“Drive safe, see you soon,” he said as he walked into the bathroom.

Grabbing my phone, I saw the missed call from a number I didn’t know and decided I’d wait to see if the caller left a voice mail before calling back. Shoving my cell in my back pocket, I finished tying my shoes and grabbed my purse as I ran to the garage.

After picking up Kinlee and getting us to the shops, I rushed around to make sure my employees had gotten everything ready up front before going to the back.

“I’m so sorry, Grace! I forgot I was picking up Kinlee, and then Brody was trying to make me later than I already was, and . . . well, obviously, I’m super late.”

Grace laughed and waved me off before going back to icing more cupcakes. “You’re the boss, I’m pretty sure you’re allowed to be late.”

I frowned and tied on my apron. “You know I want to be here, I don’t like being late . . . especially when y’all are here and having to do everything.” Looking around, I walked back out to the front before glancing at Grace. “Where’s Andy?”

“Restroom,” she said just as Andy came up behind me.

“Right here, gorgeous!”

He blew me an air kiss, and I sent him one back before grabbing my ingredients and some bowls. The chimes sounded, and Andy turned right back around from where he’d been about to do dishes and walked toward the swinging doors. “I’ll get this one. I know how you are if you don’t start your morning off with baking.” He winked and breezed through the doors.

I’d barely gotten started when he walked back into the kitchen, a confused look pinching his face.

“Uh, I think that one’s for you, KC.”

I smiled at him, and my stomach started warming. “Brody?” I asked as I walked past him.

“Not exactly.”

I stopped so suddenly midway through the swinging doors that Andy ran into me from behind. “Can I help you?” I asked the reporter and two men with her. One was holding a camera.