I wasn’t worried about the words on the paper either. After telling Brody to show up on Tuesday for a meeting with their lawyers so they could settle things or she’d take him to court, she ended the letter with:

By the way, cute girlfriend you have there.

xo Liv (your wife)

And like Brody, when I read those words, I remembered that I’d already met Olivia. But my first thought hadn’t been fear that she might try to make my life hell by showing up at my bakery. My first thought was that she knew who I was.

“Brody,” I began, taking deep breaths as I prepared myself to tell him about my past—about Kamryn Cunningham.

“Yeah? Shit, hold on.” He grabbed for his ringing cell phone, and I snapped my mouth shut, taking that as a sign that now wasn’t the time to tell him.

I RAN TO the door of my bakery on Tuesday morning, thankful that today wasn’t one of the days Kinlee and I drove together. But I didn’t know how long this would continue, or if it was even something I should tell her.

We should totally go for drinks . . . you can bring my worthless, cheating husband!

Every day since Saturday morning there had been a note on the front of my bakery from Olivia—Monday there had been two since we were closed on Sundays. Brody knew about them, and every day I’d tried to tell him about my life in Kentucky before I’d moved here. But it never failed that something happened when I started to tell him, and then, when we were talking later, I wouldn’t have the nerve to bring it up. I wanted to keep living as though that time in my life had never existed.

But the more Olivia left me notes, the more I worried she would mention something to Brody.

As of right now, he only knew about Barb, who he still thought was my aunt. Barb had called once since we told her about our relationship, and while it was better between her and me, it wasn’t how it had been. She’d even asked to talk to Brody, and apparently she’d been nice to him. But even Barb thought it was better if everyone in Jeston thought of her as my aunt. She didn’t want me to have to think of my old life any more than I wanted to.

I left it for a reason. It’s not like I’m hiding a criminal history. I just don’t want to be Kamryn Cunningham anymore! And I couldn’t believe I was actually standing outside my bakery with my head to the glass door, trying to justify not telling Brody.

“Uh, KC?”

I rolled my head to the side, still letting it stay on the glass as I turned to look at Grace.

“You going to go in or stay out here?”

“Did you forget your keys?” Andy yelled as he walked across the parking lot.

I held up my keys without responding and looked back at Grace. “It feels like a Monday, and Mondays suck.”

“Oh, my God, is it a ‘Mondays suck’ day?” Andy asked excitedly as he finished running up to us. “Let’s do this!”

I smiled at my employees and unlocked the door to the bakery to let us in.

Sometimes you just need to throw some cake.


July 30, 2015

“KAM?” I CALLED out over the loud music as I stepped into the bakery. I looked at the large chalkboard with the bright words MONDAYS SUCK . . . SO THROW A CUPCAKE! on it, and shook my head. “Babe!”

Kamryn bounced out of the back room with a large smile on her face, and I couldn’t help but laugh. She didn’t have just flour and icing on her, she had pieces of cake plastered to her arms and glasses, and she couldn’t have looked more adorable if she’d tried.

“Is this helping?” I asked, nodding at the chalkboard.

She sighed happily and leaned up on her toes to kiss me. “Like you wouldn’t believe. Do you want to throw one before you go into the meeting?”

“No, but I’ll probably come back after and throw some.”

“Okay, good, I want to know what happens anyway. So I’ll make sure to save you a few . . . or a dozen.”

I smiled and looked at her meaningfully. “Do you have anything for me today?”

Her happy expression fell, and she jammed her hand into her apron before pulling out a piece of paper covered in red velvet cake. I raised an eyebrow, and she shrugged. “I threw it with a cupcake.”