Thank God for my appointment tomorrow, I didn’t realize anyone could see the blond. I couldn’t even see it. “Um, no. I’m not.” I swiped her card and handed it back to her. When she didn’t take it, I looked up.

“I swear I know you, but I would remember that accent of yours.”

I really hope you don’t. I put the credit card on top of the cupcake box and slid it toward her. “I must just have one of those faces, I guess. Thank you so much for coming in, please stop by again soon.” Don’t. Don’t. I never want to see you again.

“Oh. My. God! K-C, like initials, you’re—are you—oh, my God, you’re Kamryn fucking Cunningham!” she screeched, then did a high-pitched, girly squeal.

“Oh, shit,” I breathed and took a step back.

“I have to call my mom, she’s going to flip! Everyone thought you’d been kidnapped! Why are you here? Did you just, like, move here? Your parents and Chad—oh, my God, Chad. You left him! Why would you just leave him?”

“Please don’t! Don’t call your mom, don’t tell anyone. Shit. This is not happening, how do you know who I am?”

Olivia leaned across the counter, a massive smile on her face. “Wow, you just look so different. You really shouldn’t wear glasses, they don’t look good with your face.” She grabbed for a chunk of bangs and I took a step away from her hand. “All your blond hair is gone. I loved your hair, I’ve always grown my hair out to look like yours. See?” She turned to the side to show me her long blond hair before facing me again and screeching, “I can’t believe Kamryn Cunningham is here in Jeston, Oregon!”

“Olivia, please don’t tell—”

She reared back. “How do you know my name?”

Oh, shit. “Your credit card.”

“Oh, right.” She waved it off and slapped a hand on the counter. “We have to go out for drinks at the club. I can’t believe you didn’t become a member of one when you moved here.”

“Look, please, I don’t want anyone to know I’m here. Just, please . . . tell me how you know who I am.”

“Everyone knows who you are in the racing world. It was a huge deal when you disappeared. They thought you were kidnapped.”

“So your family has horses?”

She nodded and flipped her hair back. “We keep them at a place a few hours north. Oh, you’ve probably heard of us! The Reynoldses.”

I hadn’t, but I just smiled and pulled my shirt away from my body a few times. This day couldn’t get any worse.

“I have to run or I’m going to be late, but oh, my God, I can’t believe you’re here! Here’s my number. Call me anytime and we’ll get drinks!” She grabbed the pen and wrote it on the back of the receipt before doing another squeal-screech and grabbing her cupcakes and card.

“Olivia, please don’t tell anyone,” I begged when she hit the door.

She winked and pushed the door open with a hip. “Your secret’s safe with me.”

What the hell just happened?


July 5, 2015

I FELT LIKE I was losing my mind. After telling Liv I wouldn’t leave her last night, and not hearing from Kamryn after texting her that I was telling Olivia I wanted a divorce, my mind was going in a thousand different directions. I didn’t know how to explain to Kamryn about what had happened last night without her thinking I still wasn’t trying to end things with Olivia. It felt like someone was sticking thousands of knives in my body just thinking about not being with Kamryn. But she had to understand. She had to understand how Liv and her parents were. And even though I’d done everything I could to keep what had been happening away from Kamryn, I knew it was time to tell her about their lawyer, what he’d been threatening, what Liv and her parents had been doing to me, and Liv’s alleged suicide attempt.

She will understand, I told myself again.

“Bro.” Jace kicked at my foot, and I glanced up at him. “What’s up with you today?”


“Not nothing. I haven’t seen you look like this in months. What’s going on? Is it something with Olivia?” A pained laugh left me, and Jace actually muted the TV. “I thought things with her were getting better, you’ve been happy lately. Not that I want things with her to get better, don’t get me wrong. But hell, you’ve been around, and if you’re happy, that’s all we really want.”

I shook my head and rubbed my hands over my face. “Things aren’t better with Liv,” I groaned. “Jace, I . . .” What? I’m having an affair? Jace and Kinlee would never look at Kam the same way again. I couldn’t do that to her.

“What? Dude, I’m your brother. You can tell me anything.”