We stayed up again all night

Just ta Talking just cause you like the way I make the words sound

I waited for what seemed like hours but was really only a minute before those little dots popped up. My heart raced and I bit at my lip as I worried about what he would say.

Stranger: That’s not about him, is it?

No . . .

Stranger: Will there be more?

I guess that depends.

Stranger: On?

Our conversations, and if they continue.

Stranger: Words . . . you’re not getting rid of me.

My cheeks burned as my lips stretched into a smile.

Then eventually.

Stranger: Good. Go get ready for work. I’ll talk to you later.

Have a good day, Stranger.

I stood from the couch and started walking back toward the bedroom when my phone vibrated in my hand again.

Stranger: Hey, Words? Having what you wrote about him at the beginning makes it seem like that’s what is happening now. He’s your past . . . I think he should come after us.

Us. I stared at that word for the longest time as those stupid, stupid butterflies took up residence in my stomach again, then I tapped out a response.

Okay then.

Chapter Nine


June 11, 2016

I GLANCED AT Charlie’s car as Graham and I walked up to the warehouse, and shifted the bags in my hands when he knocked on the door. After knocking again and not getting an answer, Graham tried the door, and sent me an annoyed look when it opened.

This was Thatch, but Jagger and Grey really needed to start locking their door.

Loud music was blasting through the warehouse, and from experience, we knew that meant Jagger was drawing in the back.

“Jagger,” we mumbled at the same time.

“I’ll go let him know we’re here,” he said, and set off in that direction, but I didn’t bother to respond as a flash of blond caught my attention.

I hurried to set the bags of food on the table before quietly walking toward the couches, where Charlie was curled into a ball on her side; her finger still holding her place in a book even though she was asleep.

My mouth curled into an amused grin as I squatted next to her. ­“People actually fall asleep like this?” I said under my breath, and carefully took the book from her.

Once I had it set down, I looked back down at her, and was struck again with the intense urge to touch her. To feel her body against mine again.

Before I could do something as stupid as either of those things, her eyes shot open and she jerked away from me. Her hand went to her chest, and she exhaled roughly.