It felt like that first anticipated touch that finally comes in the dark.
Soft and powerful and sensual.
If I hadn’t been surrendering to this sensation for two years now, I would’ve been sure someone had just stepped up beside me to gently caress me. Even still, my gaze darted to the mirrored wall, looking for the source . . .
My eyes locked on a pair of dark ones as he walked through the café, and my heart thundered mercilessly.
Everything faded away when he was near—the café, Teagan, Kieran—and I knew Teagan was right. I was walking a dangerous line.
My breath caught in my throat and I sank back against the cushioned booth when I realized he didn’t stop at his normal booth and was coming toward us.
In all the times he’d slipped me notes, it had only ever been before Teagan had shown up or if she was in the bathroom.
But Teagan was here. And I didn’t know what to say or where to look when my body was calling out to him, begging to touch the man who’d silently tormented me for years.
I finally forced my stare down in time to watch Teagan’s mouth slowly fall open when the guy stopped at our table and wordlessly placed our food in front of us.
I chanced another look at him and found his dark eyes piercing mine, that perfect smile I’d thought of so often playing on his lips as he backed away to the booth not far from ours.
And then my stomach sank when I noticed the girl sitting opposite him.
I’d seen him alone, working away on books.
I’d seen him with a guy around his age.
I’d seen him with a group of men Mickey’s age and older.
But I’d never seen him with a girl.
I tried to force my disappointment away, but it lingered and grew, making me more confused than I’d ever felt before.
Because I’d been with Kieran my entire life, and this man was a stranger I’d never spoken to.
I felt like an idiot for spending so much time reading and re-reading his words to me. For spending countless hours . . . years . . . thinking of him.
“So, your ogling boy is a waiter here?” Teagan asked softly as she dug into her food.
“No, I don’t think so,” I responded absentmindedly. “He’s sitting in a booth now, and some weeks he’s walking around in the back, talking with people. But I’ve never seen him actually do any work like that. Sometimes it looks like he’s doing bookkeeping though. Maybe he owns the café. Or someone in his family . . .”
I eyed Teagan when she didn’t respond, and felt myself shrink at the look she was giving me.
“Do you have any idea what you’re doing . . . how stupid you’re being?” she whispered, her tone a mixture of fear and disappointment.
“Teagan, nothing is going on. Again, I’ve never said a word to the guy.” I leaned across the table and dropped my voice so it wouldn’t carry. “Maybe you should focus on keeping yourself safe and what you’re going to do once we leave instead of worrying about my relationship. We’re not you and Finn, but Kieran and I have our own issues.”
“So what, you’re counting down the days until he’s six feet under?”
“God, Teagan. No. Of course not.”
“Are you still planning on leaving with him?” she asked, the challenge clear in her words.
I hesitated, then clarified, “I’m planning on leaving.”
“With him?” she asked again, her tone harder.
“It’s complicated, and you know that.”
“But if Kieran asked you to leave with him today, you would.”