We don’t choose who we love.
Einstein had told me that, and it couldn’t have been more true.
“Probably for the same reason I was able to look past what you are,” I whispered, meeting his eyes.
A minute passed in unbearable silence before he asked, “I did this, didn’t I?”
“It just happened, Kieran. Stop blaming yourself for everything that happens. Try to continue on with life instead of trying to fix what happened, or soon your life will be so consumed with revenge you won’t realize when it’s gone.”
“It is, Lily.”
It would’ve hurt less if he’d yelled at me. But the whispered words were full of so much pain and sorrow it felt like I would drown in them.
“Don’t you get it?” he asked. “My life is gone.”
Kieran understood. Knew he’d lost me . . . knew he’d lost us.
I dropped my head and covered my mouth, trying to mute my sob when he turned to leave the room. I didn’t notice when he stopped, only heard his broken sigh from the far side of the room seconds later.
“I’ll love you until the world stops turning, Lily O’Sullivan.”
Even the house seemed to mourn with me once he was gone.
For what we’d had.
For what I’d done.
For every lie and betrayal, and for the life we would never have . . . my heart broke open and tears rolled, fat and heavy down my cheeks.
I glanced at my ringing phone, my body locking up when I saw who was calling.
For what felt like minutes, I stared at the name on my screen before finally answering the call and slowly bringing the phone to my ear.
“She’s here,” the guy whispered. “She was at the meeting and everything.”
Fucking rat. What he wouldn’t do to stir up chaos, seeing as I wasn’t paying him for his information.
Then again, the kind of chaos he wanted to start was exactly what I’d been waiting for.
“You get me a visual confirmation?”
He barked out a laugh. “Right. Let me put myself in front of Nightshade while I’m at it. Idiot.”
I gritted my teeth and was about to tell him to not bother calling back until he had picture or video of the girl in question when he continued talking, his voice dropping even lower.
“But I’ve got news . . . Mickey stopped her from leaving after the meeting. Told her she can’t be staying in that damn shack on the back of the property anymore, and said she has until tonight to move back into the house. And get this, her and Nightshade are gettin’ married.”
The anger that pounded through my veins made it hard to remember why I couldn’t leave right then. Made it hard to remember why I couldn’t kill Kieran for lying to me for all these years when he’d pulled me back into a world I’d worked so hard to leave.
“Is that right, Finn?” I finally asked. “I’ll have to go congratulate them.”
Fiancée for fiancée.
Retaliation at its finest.
I was in that place where sleep begins to reach out for you when an arm curled around my waist, pulling me back into a hard, muscled chest.