Kieran was gripping his hair, his chest moving roughly as he tried to calm himself. “There should’ve been nothing for me to find out.”

“Kieran, I—”

“There should’ve been nothing for me to find out!”

“I know, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen, I—”

“He’s a goddamn Borello, Lily,” he yelled, like that fact had possibly been lost on me until that very second. “He’s the guy who wants to end your life.”

“I know—”

“You’ve been saying ‘what about us,’ and this is what you’ve been doing?” He swung his arm, slapping a vase off the end table. “Fucking what about us?”

“You left me,” I screamed. “You broke my heart and your promises, and left me here. There was no us left.”

Kieran looked dumbfounded. “Everything I’ve been doing has been—”

“Oh my God, don’t,” I pleaded. “Don’t say that again. Not one thing has been for me. I told you, Kieran, I’ve been telling you I’ve been here needing you and begging you to see me, and you were never here. You left me for Mickey. You’ve been doing things that are completely unforgivable. And I know that you’ve been working with—”

“Ah-ah,” Beck cut in loudly. “Don’t.”

The look on Kieran’s face as his gaze darted from me to Beck was truly frightening.

“Take Teagan somewhere safe,” Kieran growled. “She has everything she needs.”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to leave you two—”


Beck ground his jaw, and after a few seconds finally nodded.

Once he and Teagan were gone from the house, Kieran looked at me.

The rage and anger were gone and replaced by a hurt so deep that I wanted to fall into his arms and cry.

“Why?” he asked after minutes spent in agonizing silence.

“Kieran, I never planned to even speak to him. And I think it all happened without ever saying a word to him or knowing his name.”

“What all happen—?” He grit his teeth, the muscles in his jaw working under the pressure.

A sob burst free at the agony that crossed his face. “I’m sorry.”

“Lily, how? We had plans—we’d planned our future.”

I leaned against the wall and shakily sank to the floor, cradling my head in my hands. I don’t think Kieran would ever understand, no matter how many times I told him.

It was like Beck said.

I was Kieran’s priority, and he’d been trained to put his all into his job. And, according to Kieran and Beck, he’d been doing this job for me. So he’d never done anything wrong.

“I wanted that future. I wanted those plans. I’ve been begging you to make them happen. After so many years of being brushed aside, I realized I was the only one who wanted it. I realized I was the only one who wanted us to work.”

“Brush you aside? Lily, I’ve been working my ass off for—”

“God, Kieran!” I dropped my hands and lifted my head to look at him. “Instead of telling me you’re doing all this for me, why don’t you explain it to me?” I gripped my stomach and said, “Do you know how disgusting it feels for you to tell me you’re involved in the middle of a human trafficking ring for me? That you’re helping Mickey start one for me? Or the very men you’ve been protecting and hiding me from for years, you’ve been working with . . . for me?”

His face fell. “Who told you that?”