Dread filled my veins like poison as I reached for it.
Something in the way she’d looked at me the night before.
Something in the way she’d clung to me . . .
It made her absence and this note all the more foreboding now.
Gritting my teeth, I blew a sharp breath out through my nose and looked down. An amused huff left me when I read her words the first time . . . a ghost of a smile pulled at my lips the second.
Gladly, Firefly . . . Gladly.
I shot from my chair and hurried to leave the room as soon as the meeting ended that afternoon.
I didn’t care about keeping up my usual indifferent expression, I couldn’t care. Because Mickey had been waiting in the conference room before anyone else had entered, but Kieran wasn’t with him and hadn’t been by the guesthouse once that morning.
He also never showed up during the meeting.
Considering what Beck now knew about Dare and me, I’d been terrified about where Kieran might have been throughout the meeting—what he might be doing or who he might be confronting.
“Princess,” Mickey called out, his voice full and authoritative, but still somehow holding a deceptive edge of fatherly love.
I kept walking.
“Lily, wait a second.”
A few of the members cast wary glances my way when I didn’t stop, but no one said a word.
It wasn’t until I was out of the room that I was yanked back to come face to face with the blue-eyed devil himself.
“When I tell you to wait, you better damn well do as I say.” Despite the venom-coated warning, his smile was blinding, and his eyes held false warmth.
I hated him.
I hated everything about him and hated that I shared his blood.
“Where’s Kieran?”
Mickey sucked a settling breath in and held it for a few seconds before allowing himself to respond to me. “I would suspect he’s sleeping for the first time in a few days. As his future wife, it would’ve been nice of you to have been there to help him relax.”
I jerked back in disgust, but Mickey only tightened his grip on my arm and pulled me closer to hiss in my ear.
“And when I say future wife, I already know how your little argument ended. Don’t be stupid, Lily. Don’t make a mistake that you really shouldn’t make, if you know what I mean.”
I opened my mouth to argue, but nothing came out.
There was no reason to fight with Mickey over this. I almost wasn’t sure if there was any fight left in me regarding my relationships.
I felt beaten down and exhausted.
“Now, the reason I wanted to talk to you before you interrupted me—something else you should really think twice about before doing again,” he said with a subtle narrowing of his eyes. “You’re moving back into the house. It’s been decided.”
“No, I’m—”
“It’s not up for discussion,” he bit out. “I let you play house back there for longer than I should have, and now that place has been compromised. If you try to spend another night there, I’ll drag you back here myself by your hair. Understand?”