To put it mildly.

In the hour since I’d found Elle standing in a sea of glass, she’d barely said a word. She’d let me set her on my bathroom counter and pull the slivers of glass from her feet and legs with a face of stone.

Libby had freaked out for her.

Johnny had come storming into the bathroom, demanding to know why she’d been in the kitchen and what she’d heard before I’d been able to shove him out. But Elle hadn’t so much as flinched or looked at him.

She hadn’t touched the food I’d given her.

And when I’d put her in my bed, she’d tried to stand, saying she had to leave.

But that was it.

She hadn’t fought when I’d told her to rest instead. She’d just lain down and had been staring blankly ahead ever since.

“Let me try talking to her alone,” Libby offered from where she sat on the end of my bed.

“Because that went so great last time,” Einstein said with a snort from where she stood, leaning against the wall next to Johnny. As always, her face was buried in her phone. “You took one look at her feet and started screaming. Since when are you afraid of blood?”

“I’m not leaving her alone with you,” I said before Libby could snap back. “She was fine. I leave and this happens. I need to know what happened to her while I was gone.”

My accusing stare darted to my sister.

“I was getting my nails done,” Libby shot back, annoyed that I would blame her for having anything to do with this.

“I was in the middle of a computer crisis, still—”

“Or maybe,” Johnny said, cuttin

g off Einstein, “it’s like I said. She was listening when she shouldn’t have been. Maybe she heard something she shouldn’t have.”

“She is right here,” Elle mumbled.

I turned to look at her. Eyes and face still blank.

“Newbie,” Maverick shouted, running into the room just before Diggs barreled in behind him. “Nerd. Dude, what happened?”

“Out,” I said through clenched teeth. “Everyone out.”

“We just got here,” Diggs complained, but immediately put his hands up in surrender as he stepped back. “But we’re leaving.”

Johnny slanted a glare at Elle as he stepped toward the door, then gave me a look as he slipped out.

I knew what it meant . . . I knew what he wanted.

He wanted to interrogate her.

He was fucking insane if he thought I’d let him near her.

Biting back a groan, I rubbed my hands over my face and turned back to Elle just as she pulled herself into a sitting position.

I studied every movement, looking for any indication she was going to faint like I’d been waiting for all hour, but there was nothing.

“Elle . . .”

“I’m sorry,” she said immediately, the emotion finally back in her tone even if there was no life in her eyes.

“Sorry? Why are you sorry? I just want to know what happened and what I can do to help you.”