Because it had been almost four years.

Since my world had gone to hell. Since I’d wanted someone the way I wanted this girl. Since I’d struggled to keep myself from touching a girl—kissing her.

And I couldn’t let her walk away now.

I found her rushing through the crowd, and hurried to get to her before she could slip away.

I reached for her, grasping her wrist to stop her and turn her toward me. The jolt that went through her body felt as if it had gone through my own.

“I’m sorry,” she cried out, her next words falling from her lips on a rush. “I’m so sorry. I—” Her eyes widened in horror when she looked up and saw me there, her body still trembling violently.

From her outright panic when she first turned, I wondered if there was someone she’d been waiting for—someone she’d expected to show.

Someone she’d been afraid would.

“Dare.” She swayed toward me for a moment before blinking quickly and trying to pull away. “Please. I told you . . . I have to go.”

I looked away for only a second to see where we were, then pulled her down a little alley between two shops.

“No, no, no. I need to go. I need—”

I pressed my mouth to hers to stop her hurried plea, and because I couldn’t imagine going another minute without feeling the rush when I did.

Fucking ecstasy.

She gripped at my forearms to steady herself, a soft moan sounding in her throat and getting lost in the kiss as I pushed her gently up against the wall of one of the buildings.

“Dare,” she whispered when her back settled, my name sounding like a hesitant invitation.

I forced myself to remember where we were—to remember she’d had me chasing her in the short time I’d let myself be around her—when all I wanted was to hear her say it again.

Hear her scream it.

One of her hands moved down to grip at my shirt, pulling me closer, but the hand clinging to my arm was straining, as if she was trying to force herself to push me away.

“Truth or dare,” I murmured against her lips, then kissed her again.

Her breaths were heavy when I pulled away so she could answer, indecision playing in her eyes. “Why . . . why do you keep asking me that?”

“Because people who are scared always pick truth, and I need to know if you’re lying to me.”

“If you know what I’m going to choose, why give me an option?”

My mouth lifted in a smirk. “It’s what I do. Truth or dare.”

Her head dropped and voice lowered, but not enough that I didn’t hear her when she said, “If you already have me so figured out, then ask your question.”

I leaned back and pressed my knuckles under her chin so I could search her eyes. “Are you in danger?”

Instead of the immediate response I expected, she studied me for a few moments. “What do you think?”


A shudder ran through her body as she nodded absentmindedly, her breaths slowly growing more exaggerated as my answer hovered between us. “Then you should probably let me go.”

She was skipping around every answer, but it didn’t matter. I’d spent the last two years trying to understand her expressions. I’d seen her fear earlier, and I’d seen it again when I’d caught up to her.

I tried, but couldn’t contain the smile that stretched across my face. She didn’t know me—didn’t know anything about my life. But the thought that I’d let her go because she was in danger was ridiculous. One of the most dangerous men in the state, and probably the most dangerous man she would ever meet, currently held her. Nothing would happen to her as long as I continued to.