
Eli’s expression fell. “Do you want me to get you something before we go to bed?”

I shook my head, and my lips thinned into a hard line. “I would rather go home.”

His blue eyes ran over my face, the worry in them was clear. “Not happening. Get in bed.”

Not giving me an option—and not like I thought I would get my way anyway—he flipped off the lights, pulled me over to his bed, and propped up all the pillows the way I liked and knew he hated. Crawling onto the bed, I waited

until he was on the bed with me and sitting up against the pillows with his arm stretched out for me, before curling into his side as he pulled the comforter over us.

“You’re not going to be able to fall asleep like this,” I stated dully.

He turned on the TV, leaving the volume down low, and tightened his arm around me. “I’m not tired. Just feel better, Pay . . . let me know if you need anything.”

I wanted to tell him medicine wouldn’t help me, but that would just move into a conversation I didn’t have the guts to have with him. Not when I was constantly being reminded that he didn’t share my feelings.

Within three minutes, Eli’s head had tilted back and lips parted as he fell asleep. His hand flexed against my arm, and I smiled as I allowed myself this time with him. This time when I didn’t have to worry about whether or not he would say something that would crush me again. Breathing in his clean scent, I let my body relax into his, and prayed for this night to never end.

“Happy birthday, Eli,” I whispered, and placed my lips to his chest before falling into a peaceful sleep.

July 28, 2013


MY EYES FLEW open when I heard the front door shut. Looking to my right confirmed Carrie was still in my bed. Trying not to wake her—but moving as quickly as I could—I got out of bed and grabbed my jeans off the floor. Pulling them on as I opened my bedroom door and crept down the hall, I strained to hear anything before glancing into the living room.

Whoever it was sounded like they were in the kitchen and weren’t trying to be quiet. I slowly rounded the corner, but relaxed and smiled when I saw Paisley’s purse lying on the floor.

“Morning,” I said as I walked past the wall blocking me from the kitchen.

Paisley jumped before a laugh bubbled up from her chest. “God, make a noise or something to warn me you’re coming next time.” Her brown eyes flashed down to my chest, and she quickly turned to go back to messing with whatever she’d brought over. “Don’t you have a shirt you can put on?”

Stepping up behind her, I rested my chin on top of her head and picked at the pastry she’d just pulled out of the bag. “I do, but you woke me up.”

“I woke you up? I’m late. And your head is heavy,” she grumbled.

I put more pressure on her head and she elbowed my stomach. “What’s this?” I asked, and pointed at the wrapped sandwich she’d just set down.

“There are two sausage English muffins for you.”

“Do they have—”

“Extra cheese? Yes, they do.”

I hugged her waist tightly. “You’re the best.” Grabbing one of the sandwiches, I unwrapped it and held it in front of her so she could have the first bite before taking my own. “I forgot it was Sunday,” I mumbled around the food.

She laughed and started to unwrap her own sandwich. “Good thing it was my week to get food or I’d be sitting at my apartment starv— Wait. If I woke you up, why are you in jeans?”

“I could’ve walked out here naked.”

Her body went stiff. “You don’t sleep naked.”

I pointed in the direction of my room with my sandwich. “Carrie’s here.”

“Who’s Carrie?”

“The girl from the bar a few weeks ago.”