I narrowed my eyes and he did the same. “Fine! Fine, take me to my apartment. I want to see what you have planned for us, and there’s really nothing else I want to do today.”

He smiled and turned to pull me toward the parking lot.

The entire way back I tried to guess what it was, or what we might be doing. Some of my guesses earned me an eye roll, others loud laughs, and the rest heated stares that seemed to change the air between us in his car. But apparently, I was still way off.

“Yes, Paisley, clothes are staying on,” he repeated again as I pushed my key into the lock. “But keep bringing some of that up, and I’ll have to reconsider.”

I sent him a teasing grin as I opened the door. I’d known whatever he wanted to do here had nothing to do with our clothes since we’d both talked about trying to go slow with our relationship. But the way his green eyes darkened when I’d mention it was quickly becoming one of my favorite things, and it was hard not to keep bringing it up to see that reaction out of him.

“Happy birthday!”

I screamed and jumped back into Brett’s arms when the shouts from my friends nearly gave me a heart attack—and almost made me pee myself if I’m being honest.

He wrapped an arm around my waist and pushed me forward when I hadn’t moved. Bending down so his lips were next to my ear, he whispered, “Happy birthday, Paisley.”

Goose bumps covered my arms from the way his low voice curled around my name, and I looked up to kiss his jaw before stepping away into the waiting a

rms of my friends.

I was hugged, kissed on the cheek, and picked up dozens of times. But my eyes had never stopped moving—had never stopped looking for a tall guy built like a god, with short blond hair and perfect blue eyes. Even as I looked for him, I somehow knew he wouldn’t be there, though. Not just because we hadn’t talked in over a week, but I was sure my body would know when he was close again.

Looking over to Kristen and Jason in silent question as Brett pulled me into his arms again, both shook their heads faintly, and I nodded mine in acknowledgment.

“Surprise?” Brett offered.

I pushed on his stomach before wrapping my arms around his waist. “I guessed this.”

“Well, of course you did. But it’s not like I could just tell you. That would have ruined the best reaction I’ve ever seen.”

“Oh God, I don’t even want to know what I looked like.”



His lips tilted up in the most perfect crooked smile. “Absolutely.”

“Thank you for this.”

He jerked his head toward my living room. “Come on, let’s enjoy your day, shall we?”

“HE HASN’T EVEN called you?” Kristen asked hours later. “It’s your birthday. I just don’t see him being like this,” she mumbled mostly to herself.

Everyone except Brett, Kristen, and Jason had just left; and before I could question them about the obvious missing guest once Brett was in the bathroom, Jason brought him up.

I sighed as I grabbed a cupcake out of the container and started tearing off the top. “Oh well.”

“Has he said anything to you, babe?” Kristen asked.

Jason shrugged. “He’s been quiet. Not talking to anyone really. His door is usually shut, but he didn’t show up again yesterday. I tried calling him early this morning about your party—it went straight to voice mail.”

An uneasy feeling unfurled in my stomach, and apparently Kristen’s too. “Should we be worried about him?” she asked as she tried to conceal her fear.

“I don’t think so, he’s just trying to figure some things out, and doesn’t know exactly how to react to all this yet. Like I said last weekend, he just needs time.”

I frowned at Jason’s words, how much time did he need? I understood things changing, but not calling me for my birthday? Not showing up? It was so unlike Eli.

“What are you doing?” Brett asked on a laugh.