My cheeks heated, and I shook my head quickly even though he probably couldn’t see what I was doing.
Liam lifted the comforter away from me and passed his lips across my nose. “It’s Sunday.”
“You know what that means . . .”
No, I didn’t. I didn’t really care about what anything meant because I’d just realized that Liam still didn’t have any clothes on.
“Pancakes with my family.”
“Oh my God,” I whispered, horrified. “That was supposed to be a nightmare!”
Liam’s eyebrows drew together in confusion.
“I was having a nightmare that someone was making me eat pancakes and I was surrounded by them! It was awful!”
He burst into loud laughter and pulled me into his arms. “These won’t be bad, you want to know why?”
“No,” I mumbled against his chest.
“They won’t be bad because you’ll be eating them with me. You won’t even be able to see your parents, so whatever it is with them that ruined pancakes for you and your sister will be nowhere near you.”
“Still doesn’t sound good.”
“My mom makes banana pancakes.”
I lifted my
head and widened my eyes. “I love bananas.”
Liam smiled. “I already know that, which is why I was using it to lure you in. So what do you say?”
“To banana pancakes, or to brunch with your family . . . including your sister, who I’m pretty sure hates me.”
“All of the above. And Kristi doesn’t hate you. She only knew that you had been married and that I was miserable, and she didn’t wait to hear the rest of the story before she reacted. I don’t know what she did to you, but I know how she was to me. But she knows now . . . the whole thing—even Vegas. My entire family does. So I can assure you no one there will hate you.”
“Oh my God, they know about Vegas? What the hell, Liam? I can’t go there now!”
He rolled his eyes. “Yes, you can. So are you coming with me?”
“No,” I said stubbornly.
“Banana pancakes?” He waited a few seconds before repeating with exaggeration, “Banana pancakes.”
I sighed dramatically and mumbled, “Well, I guess I know why Kristi stopped giving me the death stare every time she walked by me.”
“Still waiting.”
“Yes, Liam. Yes, I will go with you to brunch with your family and eat banana pancakes. As long as we get something straight, first.”
He’d started pulling me out of bed when I agreed, but abruptly stopped. “Like what?”
“What am I?”
Liam watched me for a few seconds before saying, “A woman?” I shook my head and started to clarify, but he spoke again. “Not a woman? Uh . . . a unicorn?”
Hard laughs burst from my chest, and it took me awhile to calm down enough to speak. “No! What am I to you? What is your family going to think I am? I think we need to get that figured out before you toss me into a house with them.”