“LC terrified you.”
I huffed softly. “Okay . . .”
“My lady love terrified me. Finding your true love is the most terrifying experience of your life, dude number one. Well, unless you have kids. I’ve heard that shit is pretty fucking scary.”
“Brian, no. I—”
“Tell me why you were terrified,” he demanded, cutting me off.
“Because of the way he made me feel. That, and his personality reminded me of Rhys.”
“Is that really why he terrified you? Because he made you feel like your ex-boo did?” There were a few beats of silence between us as I waited for him to realize that I’d already answered his question. “Who can’t you live without?”
“Liam,” I said without hesitation.
Brian clucked his tongue. “If you’re asking me, dude number one, then I’d say my boy terrified you because he made you feel more than you ever felt for your ex-boo. And finding that, after being hurt by the ex, only made the fear of finding your true love that much greater.”
“But I don’t lo—” I cut off quickly, and my mouth dropped as my eyes widened. “I love Liam,” I whispered. “Brian, I’m in love with him.”
“I already know that, dude.”
I laughed and looked around me, like I couldn’t seem to grasp the epiphany I’d just had. Even last night I would have continued denying my true feelings for Liam. But something about this conversation with Brian—something about finally voicing the fact that I no longer loved Rhys—had made the last of my walls finally fall.
“Oh my God, Brian!” I said in awe. “Do you know how absolutely amazing you are with your nonstoned mind?”
“Like I told my boy when I informed his denying ass that he loved you not long after you came back into his life: I should be Cupid’s sidekick. I’ve got this love shit down.”
“Twins expert. Cupid’s sidekick. Badass tattoo artist. And a fucking genius.”
“Ha! You get me, my dude!” He took another large bite of his burger and waved it at me as he spoke around the mouthful. “Well, now that you’re done acting like you don’t know what the fuck’s up with your heart, you better go tell my boy what you just realized.”
I stood, but Brian’s voice stopped me from leaving.
“Not that I know much about anything. But it’s Saturday.”
“Yeah,” I said a little breathless. I was anxious to get to Liam, and the anxiety had my heart racing. “And?”
“And, dude number one, all I know is that every Saturday my boy comes to see me and feed me after he gets done sparring with his daddy-o. So if I’m not as high as I think I am . . . he’s at the gym, or he’s on his way there.”
I barreled forward and wrapped my arms around Brian’s neck. “Thank you. And don’t tell your wife that you got two cheat meals in one day!”
“Who’s tellin?” he called out as I raced toward the door to leave. “Go get him, dude!”
December 5
“I FIGURED IT out,” I said in way of announcing myself.
Dad turned around from where he’d been talking to Kristi at the drink bar with his brow pinched together. “Figured out what?”
“Kennedy, and what I need to do.”
A smile crossed his face, and he folded his arms across his chest. “Really? Well, let’s hear it.”
“I’m you and Chase. And my entire relationship with Kennedy has been what Mom went through with both of you.”