“You don’t have to answer that,” Liam leaned down to whisper.
Grabbing his hand, I held on to it as tight as I could. “There’s nothing between Rhys and me anymore, and there’s no chance of any relationship ever again. I told him last night that I’d chosen Liam, and he was surprisingly okay with it.”
Bree still looked like she was hoping for more, but the rest of Liam’s family was either glaring at her or giving me sympathetic looks.
“Well, now that you’re done being rude,” Liam’s mom said to Bree, then looked back toward us, “I think it’s time for pancakes. Everyone hungry?”
Liam must have felt the way I tightened, because he whispered, “Banana pancakes.”
“I can do this,” I said to myself, and Liam failed at holding back a laugh.
“Yes, you can. It won’t be that bad, I promise.”
He was right. They weren’t that bad. Actually, the pancakes were to die for, and if Liam hadn’t cleaned the rest of them out, I would have gone back for thirds. Liam and I were curled up on an oversized chair together, and everyone else in the family was spread throughout the living room and kitchen as they talked and finished eating.
“How many did you eat?” Liam asked when he set his plate on top of mine on the end table.
“Six,” I boasted proudly. “My stomach is so happy and fat right now.”
“Look at you eating pancakes. I’m proud of you. I should give you a medal or something.”
“Don’t ruin this moment. This aftereffect of the pancakes is better than the ones from the orgasms you give me.”
Liam hooked an arm around my neck and pulled me close so he could whisper, “I somehow doubt that. But if you still think so in five minutes, I’ll have to remind you how much better the latter is.”
“Five minutes?” I asked, raising my eyebrows. “Ar
e we leaving already?”
“Why would we have to leave? There are a lot of bathrooms and bedrooms in this house.”
“Liam Taylor,” I harshly whispered. “We are not doing anything in your parents’ house.”
“We are if I feel like you need to remember how easily I can start making you scream.”
My eyes widened, and I glanced around to make sure no one in his family was close enough to overhear us. “I cannot believe you just said that here.”
“When was it?” he asked in my ear, and nipped on it. “After your second orgasm last night? Yeah . . . after the second. And we both know just how fast it is to get you there.”
“I hate you.”
“No, you don’t. You love me, and I fucking love those piercings and what they do to you.”
My breathing had deepened, and I was now beyond mortified that I was getting turned on in front of his family. “Liam, you have to shut up.”
“Are the five minutes up?” he asked teasingly. “Your choice. We can find a room, or you can tell me that you were wrong.”
“You guys are so cute, it’s kind of disgusting,” Kristi said as she walked past us.
Her sudden presence had me jolting back into the arm of the chair, and I wanted nothing more than to smack that triumphant smile off of Liam’s face.
“Not disgusting,” Liam’s mom said from just a few feet behind Kristi. “I love seeing my son this happy.” She grabbed my hand briefly as she walked past us, and murmured Brandon’s words from last night. “Thank you.”
“If your family keeps thanking me for being with you, I’m going to start feeling like I took you on as a charity case,” I whispered when his mom was out of the room, and bit back a scream when Liam pinched my side.
“Five minutes are up, Moon. Your choice.”
I turned my head to look at him, and leaned close enough so our noses were touching. “The banana pancakes were not nearly as good as what you do to me,” I assured him.